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Thread: A Study in Tolerance

  1. #41
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    She opened her mouth as if to protest, but no sound came out.

    What could she possibly say? Even through the haze of her unexpected indulgence this day, the sound of his voice now was enough to startle her into a semblance of sobriety. Though, still she wrestled with herself. She could feel tears welling up, though whether they were the product of her own roiling thoughts or of his harsh words she was unsure.

    As if lost, her eye grew unfocused, and the Lupine half turned away. She looked about her as though she'd suddenly lost the one anchor holding her in place, and closing her eyes tightly, her shoulders sagged.

    She could feel his eyes upon her, those all too familiar yellow eyes.

    "You never even asked me what I wanted to name him," she whispered.
    Last edited by Loklorien s'Ilancy; May 22nd, 2009 at 08:58:18 AM.

  2. #42
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    He looked back to her with a stern expression, no longer in the mood for refreshment.

    "Best that it remain unspoken. Save your name for our next child."

    He blinked hard, and the yellow eyes returned to their familiar hue.

  3. #43
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    "Yes, Master."

    That too was whispered, and s'Il turned away to stare at the expanse between herself and the bedroom doorway. It was daunting to say the least. His order to leave his presence had been enough to shock her from the effects of her drink, yet despite her intense desire to apologize in some way, the Lupine found herself afraid of further rebuke.

    She pulled her hair back from her face with one hand while taking a note from one of the inner pockets of her robe. The paper was old, cracked at the edges and along the folds, browned from sheer age. The ink was still legible, though faded over time. She'd found it in her studies, tucked in between one of the many pages of the tomes she'd been instructed to read. It was a curious letter, written to Dan most likely during his fledgling years; how it had gotten there she could only guess. From what she could infer in the writing, it had been penned by his own father, as following the parting words 'your father', only one name had been signed at the end of it.

    Pushing away from the wall, s'Il carefully moved to set the folded paper on the table by where his hand rested.

    She had been sufficiently quieted by his outburst, and the silence that now permeated the air around them remained as testament to that.

  4. #44
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    "What is this?"

    He reached to the parchment and gingerly retrieved it, unfolding it with care. A moment, and eyes began to scan over the words long-ago written. A slight smile crept onto his features.

    "Where did you find this?"

  5. #45
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    "In one of the books you had me study."

    She stood cautiously behind him, but it wasn't long before she lifted a hand to further anchor herself against the arching doorway. She had kept the letter with her always since then, deciding that the name at the end of it was the name that she'd wished to give to their son.

  6. #46
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    "My father and I were once close. Such a long, long time ago."

    The smile lingering, he looked at her.

    "He thought I long sequestered myself away to become a writer. In a perverse way, I had. I wrote to him often, talking about inconsequential things. Living a life that was at that time entirely nostalgic and at once artificial."

  7. #47
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    Averting her eyes, s'Il reached down to retrieve the dropped bottle, and setting it on the counter, she gave him a neutral stare. To hear him speak of being close with any sort of family was odd sounding; he'd never spoke of himself without a fair bit of prodding on her part.

    She turned on her heel to begin the trek to the bedroom, remembering his order to remove herself from his sight.

    "I will leave you now."

  8. #48
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    "Go to sleep."

    He again met her eyes over the weathered note.

    "You'll feel much better in the morning."

  9. #49
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    * * *

    The first thing she noticed upon waking was the taste in her mouth. It was enough to make her scowl as she burrowed deeper within the covers, seeking shelter offered both by the blankets over her and the warmth of Dan's body beside her. He'd said she would feel better, but with a pathetic moan the Lupine had to wonder if he'd only said it to settle the nerves he'd so effectively rattled the previous night. It was much deserved however, and the Lupine tried to push away the memory of all that she'd said to him.

    She licked her lips, her brows furrowing. No, she did not feel 'much better'. She felt sick to her stomach, cursing herself for partaking so liberally as she had. Not only that, but the shame of her words weighed heavily. Had she truly been so out of her mind?

    She remained largely unmoving for another few minutes, content to soak in as much heat from her master's body as she could.

    Another groan, and the Lupine finally levered herself up to sit carefully. She leaned forward to cradle her head in her hands, fingers massaging her temples.

  10. #50
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    "Stay there."

    Dan was already moving and out of the bed. He padded over to the dresser and returned with a carafe of water he'd placed there the evening prior. Dispensing cool water into a glass, he handed it to her.

    "Drink. I'll take care of breakfast."

  11. #51
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    Without having to look she accepted the offered glass of water. She felt as though she'd been buried in a metric ton of durracrete, and suspected that she looked it as well. A relentless pounding in her head accompanied each heartbeat, magnifying every sound around her into something almost unbearable.

    s'Il gave a tentative sip, and with a pained expression she opened her eyes, letting out a labored sigh.

    "Never again," she croaked.

  12. #52
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    "You say that now. You'll be back to the trough in a month or two. It's a cycle like anything."

    He laughed at that as he strode into the kitchenette, beginning the work to prepare a simple, greasy breakfast to cut through her hangover. Numa eggs, shaak fat-rashers, tuber hash, and a few scraps from the fridge.

  13. #53
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    For a while longer she remained in bed, nursing her water and listening as he went about preparing their morning meal. She was famished, yes, but the immediate discomfort of her throbbing head was enough to sour any amount of anticipation.

    Slowly, the Lupine slid herself from beneath the covering, bare feet touching the floor. She sat, using the still moment to quietly place her glass on the bedside table. It made the barest of clinks, and she flinched at the sound. Pushing upwards, s'Il unsteadily rose to her feet to sway momentarily. Certainly not as precarious as last night, but it was noticeable enough. She let out a faint groan before shambling her way into the fresher.

    Splashing water on her face, s'Il went about what morning rituals she felt reasonably able to accomplish with any sort of completion, and by the time she'd finished, her mouth at least no longer tasted of stale death.

    It wasn't long before she joined him, and watching his turned back as he worked, s'Il gave a sorrowful grimace. She closed the distance between them to wind her arms up under his and around his chest, leaning against him and resting a cheek along his spine.

    "I exceeded my boundaries last night."

    Her words held deep sincerity.

    "I am sorry for that."

  14. #54
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    "I know if you had it to do again you would have done differently."

    Dan glanced back at her, casting a reassuring expression as he returned to his work to flip a crinkling fat rasher on the hot skillet.

    "It wasn't easy on either of us, losing our son. We'll make time to move past the pain."

  15. #55
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    She stood, partially using him as support. Her embrace tightened for the barest of moments at his reassurances, knowing that he was correct. Had she the chance to do it again, she would have not been so reckless.

    But, it was the sting of Zem's words, that Dan had seen only in heir and not a son, that'd caused the most hurt. As well, it had driven her to accuse her master of just that. His reaction had been astounding to witness, but not so much as the fear it'd placed in her.

    Pulling away then, the Lupine moved to slowly lower her frame into a chair. The empty whisky bottle was still present, as was the glass of Dan's gin. She pushed it away with a disdainful look on her face.

    "You have given me much, the most of which is patience.

    "But there is some amount of truth in that I wish to be as your equal."

    She wound her fingers around themselves in an effort to busy herself with something.

    "But it's not through power and mastery that I want to be as such; I know the rule of two, that it is the ultimate test for the apprentice to overthrow the master, but that is not what I want. If I did that, then I would be alone."

    s'Il made a worried face.

    "I don't want to be alone."

  16. #56
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    He turned to look at her, a sympathetic expression on his face.

    "But that is a reality that, some time down the line, will come to pass. I'm old, Lok. Very old. One day, you will surpass me. I cannot continue to live forever. In time, you will become the master."

    He brushed a hand against her face.

    "Perhaps it is not so much that we are equal, but that for now and as far as we can see, we are together."

  17. #57
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    She closed her eyes at his touch, and reaching up the Lupine moved his hand to hold it in her own. She stared at the lines in his palm, tracing with her fingers along the more prominent creases.

    "You will not die."

    Blinking slowly, s'Il gripped his hand.

    "I'll not let you."

  18. #58
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    He smiled at her devotion.

    "Even our powers over death can't continue into perpetuity. At some point, who knows when, it will happen. It may not be for a very long time indeed."

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