Spinning the replenished beer glass in his fingers, tips slicked with condensation, Amos cast a sidelong glance at the woman who'd chosen to seat herself in proximity. Master Thanewulf? He felt an eyebrow quirk, and diverted his attention away as he fought down a sigh. His recent discovery about his own Force potential - along with other unexpected revelations about himself, and his family - had left him unsettled; he'd hoped that his visit to the bar would provide at least a brief escape from having to contemplate such things. Apparently not.

Even so, the new arrival did provide an opportunity that might not otherwise have presented. Knowing that he had the potential to manipulate the Force was one thing; but what did one do with that knowledge? He hadn't spoken of it to anyone, not sure how to slide such a thing into a conversation. If he did decide to try and pursue it further, what did he do? Who did he talk to?

With a reluctant grimace, he realised that he'd need to talk about it to someone; a stranger in a bar seemed as good a start as any.

Turning to the woman beside him, he groped around inside his head for an elloquent means of striking up a conversation. Frowning, and finding nothing, his mouth threw out the first thing that came to mine. "Uh, hi."