Jaden's attempt to throw back a casual smile was a little tighter-lipped than he'd intended. Light-hearted and good-natured ribbing was the status quo for any fighter unit - hell, any military unit - in most services across the galaxy; but Jamo had struck a sore spot.

The Captain's astromech, Katie, had actually stopped talking to him: that's how long it had been since Jaden had been behind the controls of his X-Wing. Instead he'd been involved in coordinating air patrols, planning training exercises, supervising readiness drills. They'd started teaching the Jedi how to fly, and even some of the non-pilots from aboard the Rebel ships: right now the Wheel had plenty of birds, but not enough bodies to fly then.

He offered a shrug in the Corellian's direction. "I'm afraid I'm far too important for CAP duty, Lieutenant. I'm happy to leave that kind of mission to my junior officers."