It smelled funny in here.

Like... an old person.

Dama had said she had to leave for a short time, and with Wyl busy with his studies on the Whaladon, Teagan had to be somewhere else. According to Dama and Wyl's master, the two of them together was a bit distracting, and usually led to long discussions explanations to the Whaladon crew that always ended with 'they won't do it again'.

And so, because she could not stay with Wyl, Dama had chosen the only other avenue that she thought best. Dama said he was an old friend, and that he was a nice man, though a little bit gruff like Dad.

With her small backpack slung over both shoulders, the girl looked up at the towering man who loomed over her. Dama had just left, leaving the girl with a parting hug and words to behave before sweeping out of the door.

And now she was alone with him.

With Vansen Tyree.

And he was old.

Older than her Dad even she was willing to bet, which was amazing to think about quite frankly. He had a lot of wrinkles, that was for sure - she'd have to be careful not to touch him or else she'd start getting them too.

She matched him stare for stare, refusing to back down. Dama had said that he liked to glare a lot and make scary faces at people to get them to do what he wanted. For her part, Teagan wasn't about to let him scare her. She could make angry faces too, and with a natural scowl etched on her young features, she refused to look away. Her neck was craned up so that she could meet his one good eye, and after what seemed like a million years she finally spoke.

Her words unintentionally echoed to a time long past.

"You're not scaring me, you know."