Ah yes, another item on the list of many that Desmond was finding alarmingly difficult to adjust to - making ones own schedule. While there was a certain arrangement of time that most others within the Temple seemed to allow to dictate their actions while awake, there still was only a vague sense of when things were to occur. Meals, perhaps, had been the hardest to gauge. There had been tones back at the monastery, bells that chimed and sang out harmonies that spoke of when such things were to take place. Here, on Ossus, there was no such indicator and while the dining area never was at a lack of food or individuals it seemed, it was oft times that Desmond found himself failing to remember to actually go there. It had been a rather unexpected moment of lightheadedness and the realization that his hands were shaking so much he could barely hold a datapad that had had forced Desmond to realize he had gone his first two days at the Temple without eating - it wasn't a mistake he planned on repeating but more often than not he would have to rouse himself from being lost in thought to force himself to care for needs other than spiritual.

An agreeable smile and a nod of his head formed Desmond's reply - he never had been a man of many words, something else that he was attempting to cure to become more appropriate by others standards. Iakona seemed of similar mind at times, only his words held the weight of one who seemed to know their potential value. It was remarkable how vastly different and yet alike two individuals could be.

Desmond found himself falling into step next to the more experienced Padawan as they headed towards the refectory. "Might I inquire as to what prompted you to construct your lightsaber at this time? I've only found that it is to be expected, but I fear texts are rather unspecific as to when exactly in one's training that is."