As she frowned she thought to herself, Well I can't very well let him use one of our ships. But. I do have the ship from that Vel Aath woman. Her people at the Academy had completely disassembled it and re-assembled it. It was barely worth its market value, nothing exceptional. She'd been looking for any reason to dump that painful reminder of the Hara Kiri mission on just about anyone who'd take it.

"I have a ship, it'll be yours after the job is complete. Not for free of course. I'll be deducting the value of the ship from your pay. From what I'm told about the ship, it is really quite nice."

"You can of course judge the ship for yourself." She drew up the holo file of the ship on the central holo in the room.

OOC: I literally know nothing about this ship beyond that Frygt swiped it from a character named Verkasa Vel Aath, who from what I understand is very wealthy in the Corporate Sector, so use your imagination.