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Thread: The Theory of the Force

  1. #61
    "Actually, we met before that," came the hummed correction as she took a last bite of her lunch.

    "In the Council Chambers."

    For a brief second she chewed in thought, and it was only as she swallowed that she realized her flippant tone. She winced slightly, hoping that he wouldn't be too upset.

    "I mean, That's how I remember it... "

  2. #62
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    A Short While Later...

    Their lunch had been... interesting, to say the least. But, it was nice to see Zem back in his element. He was a teacher through and through, in her eyes, and to see him interact with Ms. Esrimoure was almost like looking back in time.

    Now though, as the two left the comforting confines of his home, s'Il couldn't help but pause as he made sure the door was shut fully.

    Ms. Esrimoure had been sent back out with the task of actually reading the books she'd gotten from the library, which provided more of the privacy - as it were - that she preferred. Now, just the two of them, s'Il paused at the top step of the small front porch. It was a quaint space with a single rocker chair and a potted plant.

    "You know," she started, "... a girl would almost think you had a thing for women with... keh'seh'a... the light hair?"

    It was a teasing prod that she knew he'd see right through. She also knew that he wouldn't be fooled by her feigned ignorance of Basic.

  3. #63
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    A little grin creased Zem's face. He eased into the rocking chair, giving it a few gentle pushes until the boards beneath issued a small, pleasing creak.

    "It's the sure sign of a troubled youth in search of serious guidance and constant supervision."

    The parallels didn't end there, however. Zem had considered some similarities, but there were others still to explore.

    "Both were once pupils of controversial teachers as well."

  4. #64
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    She made a face at that.

    "Yes well, only one of those Masters lost his brain stones."

    She descended halfway down the stairs, pausing only to turn back to him as he'd taken up residence in the chair.

    "I take it that you are going to be here when I return?"

  5. #65
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Zem smiled at his former pupil - now something more.

    "I can't imagine anywhere else I'd rather be."

    Whether contemplating the Force and what it meant to them all, to simply passing company with the ones he cared about, living in this moment felt more natural than anything he could consider.

  6. #66
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    It hadn't taken long to administer Markos' booster shots, as well as his vaccinations and other general health checks. The doctor on duty had been gentle and kind, even going so far as to give the boy a small taste of pea and nuna paste as a reward. Apparently it had become common knowledge that he was a large fan of that particular flavor, and the doctors and nurses had taken to using it as a useful bit of positive reinforcement.

    And now, happily on her way back to Zem's home, s'Il held Markos with one arm, her free hand teasing at him as he smiled and laughed.

  7. #67
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Zem's lightsaber hummed in a microcosm of its usual intensity. The blade had been trimmed and shaped so that it was barely a wisp of energy that extended past the emitter. The Jedi used the saber not as a weapon now, but as a tool, carefully and artfully cutting down a gnarled piece of wood a grain at a time, until a shape began to take form from the leavings. The air smelled pleasantly of green woodsmoke, never enough to overwhelm the senses.

    He paused in his work, extinguishing the saber as he saw Lok returning to the house, bringing with her a familiar cherubic face. Zem smiled, rocking back in his seat slightly.

  8. #68
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Ascending the stairs, s'Il let her booted feet clack on the wooden steps in a clipped beat. She held Markos close, his wide smile such a contrast to his lineage. And yet, out of the fires of all that, he had so unknowingly fallen into a new family that was something so much better. His innocence was pure and she envied her son for that.

    Moving across the small front porch, the Lupine let her eye go from Markos to Zem, still contentedly seated in his rocker chair.

    A deep breath, and she angled her upper body forward and down so that she knelt before the Jedi Master. Her arms pulled the boy away from her center and set him gently upon Zem's waiting lap.

    "All of this right now," she felt as Markos instantly transferred his attentions to Zem, tiny hands going to eagerly grab at the wooden carving, "... it is peaceful."

    She kept a splayed palm across her son's back, making sure that he was steadied. Her free hand shifted to rest upon Zem's knee.

    "It feels... normal. Like there is nothing in the galaxy that you or I have to do, other than to simply exist."

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