Quote Originally Posted by Green Arrow View Post
Re: Barbara Gordon - Would you like to have her involved in the Queen Consolidated investigation at all? Maybe Barbara has posted some stuff on her blog that leads Oliver Queen to go visit her in his civilian guise to find out what she knows (kinda like Oliver and Felicity at the start of Season 1), or perhaps he visits her as the Green Arrow instead (and it's a bit more of a Flash / Iris West vibe)? Could be a good place to start, at least.
Yes, this sounds good, and with her meeting him in costume. I like the idea of her not knowing exactly who he really is right off the bat. Also she knows how to kick ass, but again, not really looking to make her Batgirl or Green Arrow Girl or whatever. I like the idea of an Oracle who can take care of herself (so no wheelchair thing unless I decide later to do that). Basically I'm just taking the talking points of Barbara Gordon and making her my own.

edit: I keep hitting 'post' and then having more thoughts.

Barbara writes under an assumed name (Oracle), and is able to hide her tracks well enough that someone wouldn't be able to tell where she's posting from (other than it must be Gotham due to what she writes about). So Oliver would have to draw her out, somehow, probably through a comment section clue or something like that?