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Thread: Float On

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  1. #22
    While Karin chatted with the teen Togruta, Pierce pursed his lips. His role in "Big Stupid" was the Observer but most covers still gave you the opportunity to talk. Given his cover story, even casual speech broke that role; on the flip side, a good cover required the agent to make connections reinforcing the role. After weighing the options, Pierce decided to attempt the latter.

    He extended a hand to the older Togruta, who turned a pair of intent eyes on him.

    "Nichavara Undhi," the Togruta replied, accepting the hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

    The other's grip reminded him of a wireframe droid he'd interacted with once: possessing of limited strength, but nonetheless functional and in control.

    Pierce made a half-helpless expression and began mouthing words, accompanying them with slow and exaggerated gestures. I (he thumbed at himself) am pleased (he patted the chest over his heart twice with both hands, miming a heartbeat) to meet you. (he extended his open palms to Nichavara)

    I (thumb to himself) hope (a still hand over his chest) we (circle in the air towards everyone) have a smooth flight. (one hand through the air, kept level) Pierce inserted a pause, then continued. How long (he tapped his wrist) have you (open palms to Nichavara) worked here?

    After his last words, Pierce began miming various ship tasks: hammering, cleaning, plugging the occasional item into something. Before he could finish, a hand on his shoulder spun him around. He got a half-second's look at Karin's face before the mass of hair and tears vanished into his shoulder.

    There weren't many things that made her cry: the end of the Top Jockeys holo, losing her momento of Orianna the one time, and when she lost members of her flight squad. Krakana Steak Centaxday in the Officer's Mess on Dac also fit in the list, but for a different reason.

    Somehow, most of those didn't seem to apply. Only one thing leapt to mind.

    The home they'd lost.

    Pierce set both their carrysacks onto the boarding ramp and wrapped his arms around Karin. The two of them stood still, freshly feeling a years-old shared loss for the next minute.

    Karin thumped his chest once, then twice, clearing her throat as she disengaged from him. "Sorry," she apologized, wrangling her emotions in. "That don't happen often, but sometimes it sneaks up sideways on me."

    "So," she continued with a wan smile. "When that stuff finishes working, I guess I'd really love that tour of the ship. Could use a distraction to clear the head."
    Last edited by Pierce Tondry; Jul 16th, 2019 at 07:26:00 PM.


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