It seemed like many years ago since Luna had travelled anywhere in space. In her wild teenage years, she was an entertainer. Singing, performing music, acting. She'd done it all and crashed down hard for many a time. She didn't care what it did to her health, for like all young women, Luna believed herself to be indestructible, damn the consequences. Sex and parties were her thing...until life threw her a massive curveball in the form of a baby girl named Lily, whom she birthed shortly after her 20th birthday.Six months before the child's birth, Luna made the conscious decision to 'retire' from the Entertainment industry though gave no detail as to why she left. She did not announce any pregnancy nor did she share it with many people. In fact, the only people that knew of Lily's existence, was her parents and her sister, Winter. While Luna wouldn't change Lily for the world, her pregnancy couldn't have come at a worse time. Winter needed her to be strong, for she'd been involved in a terrorist attack that had killed her fiancé and severely injured her. She did her best to hide her pregnancy to unsure her sister was well cared for, but there came a time when Luna had to reveal her unborn child's existence to her when she fell ill from stress. Winter was mad and rightfully so, but she was excited to know she was going to be an Auntie. The birth of Lily was a wonderful thing and for a time, Luna juggled life as a parent with life as a bar owner. It was tough going but enjoyable. However, Winter had a lot of issues dealing with the death of her fiancé and his sister and the two made a mutual decision to shut Black Moon down for good, for the sake of their mental health. It gave the sisters the freedom to go their own ways and Winter had found herself someone to travel the galaxy with. As Lily was still too young to really travel, Luna decided to remain on Gala until her baby girl turned four years old. Now that she had reached that age, Luna decided it was time to reconnect with her old friends now that she was able to take Lily in tow. Cloud City on Bespin would not have exactly been her first choice to take Lily given its lack of railing to prevent her from jumping off the edge of the platforms that formed Cloud City, but she wanted to connect with her old friend Alienor... 'Ali'. Oh she had so much to share with her friend about the last five years, yet she felt like the most terrible friend as she'd concentrated on everything but her friends. Having been so quiet for so long in order to protect her baby from Paperazzi. As far as the galaxy was concerned, her publicist had announced that she 'had a chronic illness that had left her too exhausted to continue in the Entertainment Industry at this time', when in truth, she was hiding her baby's existence. Though still concerned, Luna was finally ready to confess that the 'chronic illness' was a cover and show off her gorgeous creation. Alienor would be the first and while she arranged to meet up with her at the Spaceport, she still kept Lily's existence a secret.

A lot of thoughts swirled through her mind, however, as she rested on the shuttle with Lily sleeping in her arms. How had Ali been all these years? What would she think of Luna now that she was not only showing up after so many years and now a mother to a gorgeous little munchkin? She anticipated being scolded for her lack of communication for sure though perhaps it would be understandable given the nature of their work. She would not know until she got there.

Attention! Attention! Approaching Bespin's upper atmosphere. Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing! ETA to Cloud City is 10 Minutes.

Luna cringed slightly as she fastened her belt across her own lap, gently placing the sleeping child on the seat next to her. The disturbance awoke the sleeping girl as Luna put on her seatbelt. Planting a gentle kiss on Lily's head, she whispered into the child's ear. "Look outside Lily. We're almost at Cloud City!"

Lily rubbed her eyes a little before looking outside watching the clouds suddenly envelop the shuttle. Her eyes widened excitedly as she let out a "Whoa! Wow!" with excitement. "That is so cool!"

Luna chuckled as she embraced her four year old baby in a big hug. This was a good time for Luna to share some lessons about where they were going. "This planet is called Bespin." she said as she looked out the window with her. "This planet has no land like our home on Gala did. Instead, Cloud city is on large platforms that float in the sky."

Lily was captivated by her Mother's words as she looked back at her. "Wow Mummy! So we'll be flying in the air too?" she asked.

Luna nodded to her daughter as she stroked the child's light coloured hair. "Yep! But you have to stay on the platform to fly. You can't jump off the edge like birds do otherwise you'll fall forever! So don't go near the edge of the platforms ok?""

Forever falling didn't appeal to the young girl much. "I don't want to fall forever Mummy. I won't fall forever will I?"

Embracing her daughter tight in a protective embrace, Luna responded with a determined voice, "Never on my watch baby girl! No one or any thing will come between me and you." As the shuttle finally landed on Cloud City Spaceport, Luna unbuckled herself and Lily and put their travel rucksack on her back before offering her hands to Lily, either to hold her hand or carry her in her arms. "Come on then Lils. Lets go meet my friend Ali huh?"

Lily lifted her arms up so she could be carried, and safe within her embrace, Luna took them off the shuttle and into arrivals. Spotting her old friend immediately, Luna smiled greatly and while making sure Lily was tucked into her hip securely, she offered out her free arm to embrace her friend. "Oh my goodness Ali, its so cool to see you again after all this time!" she said before gesturing to the little one in her arms. "I hope you don't mind me bringing along this little munchkin. I'd like you to meet my baby girl, Lily."