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Thread: Hole Filling (and other pursuits)

  1. #1
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    Help Hole Filling (and other pursuits)

    'Allo 'allo. So I'd like to jump back in - ease back in is likely more appropriate - with Wool. He's the character that's got the deepest hold on my heart and even when he's been quiet, he's always had a steady presence in my creative mind. Now, I'd rather not hand wave that he's simply been about all this time, not only because it can be awkward to jackrod a character into already-played storyline, but also because he has evolved in my head in a way which suggests, to me, that he's gone down a few lanes and back again in the time that's passed.

    Specifics fail me at he moment, but if anyone has ideas as to which corners of the galaxy/plot he might have been roaming, please fire away and help me pin down a feasible (re)starting point. Or if you want to plot a thread, that'd be wicked too!

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    flying a starship is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put smashball cards in the spokes!

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    Take me out to the black, Tell them I ain't comin' back, You can't take the sky from me.
    I seem to remember Wyl and Ben making a journey to Rhen Var, if you want to get back into that!

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    I know that we've said in RP that Wyl did leave the Jedi, I dunno where he went. He would probably show up on Jovan Station though, a joint Alliance of Free Planets/Cizerack Pride space station which is a sub forum in the Galaxy forum.


    oh what a tangled web I weave

  4. #4
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    Excellent. Def down for Ben and Wyl shenanigans.

    Wyl did leave the Jedi (meditation? Ain't nobody got time for that), though ultimately I think he always knew he'd eventually come back in some way. How much time has passed IC-wise?

  5. #5
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    A larrrge penjisss jisss alwajysss welcome!

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    Bothawui, or one of her many villas in the Carshoulis Cluster
    I'm guessing it's been just short of a year. The only timestamp I can think of is that he was still a padawan during the pickup ball game Draiya tried to get him to join.

    Also we need to finish This Message Will Self Destruct, even if it's ancient history

  6. #6
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Yeah, it hasn't been a long time, really, and the only reason it's a year instead of 6 months is because we did a 6 month time skip that one time.

  7. #7
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    flying a starship is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put smashball cards in the spokes!

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    Take me out to the black, Tell them I ain't comin' back, You can't take the sky from me.
    Honestly I've been jumping around time-wise. I'm pretty sure I've written myself into a couple holes, but that's nothing a couple retcons won't fix!

  8. #8
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Merasska View Post
    Honestly I've been jumping around time-wise. I'm pretty sure I've written myself into a couple holes, but that's nothing a couple retcons won't fix!
    The real tragedy for Ben is that he's going to find himself in an unending time loop due to all the things you written in all different time periods.

    Or the timeline he's residing in will cease to exist, one or the other.

  9. #9
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    Oh man, that thread was so awesomely fun. ^____^ What is Taa up to these days?

  10. #10
    Taataani Onashi
    Which one?

  11. #11
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    A larrrge penjisss jisss alwajysss welcome!

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    Bothawui, or one of her many villas in the Carshoulis Cluster
    Don't mind her, she's a...temporal anomaly or something.

    Taataani is now a Senator of the Alliance of Free Planets, and Baroness Executor of Incom Koensayr Meorrrei. She's more powerful than she's ever been, and leveraging that power to position herself as a benefactor to the Jedi, a vital part of the Alliance military industrial complex, and one of the most important people in the Alliance. In doing so she's making an enormous amount of enemies.

    Right now she's basically LBJ. She's probably headed down a dark path towards Thatcher and eventually Nixon.

  12. #12
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  13. #13
    If you fancy finishing off any of our older stuff, we've still got Wyl meeting his ghost dad, and Cousin Amos and his knives that we could go back to. If you fancy doing something more current though, I've got about 50 bajillion different ideas for things we could do.

    Welcome back, sus.
    It's like that, and that's the way it is.


  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyl Staedtler View Post
    Excellent. Def down for Ben and Wyl shenanigans.
    Quote Originally Posted by Taataani Onashi View Post
    Which one?

  15. #15
    *waves* 'allo 'allo! If you'd like, you can interact with one of my old characters...

  16. #16
    ... or one of my newer ones.

  17. #17
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    Ugh yes to everything. Is that greedy? I like the idea that maybe all this time Wyl's been gallivanting around with Ben, galactic bromine style, and having adventures. He ought to see Taa again.

    And his wife, of course.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyl Staedtler View Post
    Ugh yes to everything. Is that greedy? I like the idea that maybe all this time Wyl's been gallivanting around with Ben, galactic bromine style, and having adventures. He ought to see Taa again.

    And his wife, of course.
    So do I! Though you should be prepared. Because Ben has become something of a sadness event horizon (thanks for the phrase, Charley!). I think a bit of Wyl and a certain mechanic girl could brighten his days considerably!


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