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Thread: Ours Are The Furies: There's No Crying On Jovan

  1. #121
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer Q. Samus Dage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Home is where the Alliance sends you
    He'd waited patiently as the rest filed their way into the access tube, his eyes scanning all around as his ears strained past the normal sounds of bodies slipping into temporary protection. His own carbine was hefted with ease, the old feelings coming back to him like a wave crashing over the shoreline.


    His head snapped to the side at the sound, listening to the the tinny whine as it grew in volume and proximity. It was a familiar sound. A call to the survivors that they'd best hurry.

    "Best to be hurrying, folks," he hissed.

    And as Vraska slipped into the tube, Samus turned just in time to watch as a droideka careened around the corner.

    The blonde sighted down the length of the barrel, reflex and instinct guiding his line of sight as he opened fire even before the droid could begin to unfurl itself.

    "Make me some room!"

    The droideka popped open like a Hutt in the Box, its' three legs stabilizing it as the blasters on each of its' arms folded down to deliver a barrage of death and destruction.

    Dage let fly with a few more shots before pivoting on his heel in a quick move and launching himself into the hatchway, drawing his long legs up and out of the way as the door closed tight.

    He looked past Vraska and Rai'fa, his eyes falling to Anauri.

    "You got a locking code for this thing?!"

  2. #122
    TheHolo.Net Poster
    Anauri Rabeak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Jovan Station
    "#02814!" Anauri called back. It wasn't necessarily wise to blurt out the universal lockdown code he'd set for almost everything on the station, but at the moment it seemed like it couldn't hurt. Already at work on the next hatch, Anauri's left paw was shaking from the agony of his burns, and he clenched his teeth visibly to fight it back.

    "Open up, you piece of..." he growled before the hatch slide open, one side of the door faster than the other. He'd have to log that for repair at a later time. "C'mon, we'll take the ladder to the next level through here. Don't think those droids are much good at climbing!"

    Climbing, on his burned paw. Come to think of it the situation didn't much appeal to Anauri, either.

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