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Thread: ::a ship enters the atmosphere of Corillia::

  1. #1
    Darth Roul

    ::a ship enters the atmosphere of Corillia::

    : arth Roul exits the ship followed by two men and a small cage containing Michale Cline::
    I have a prisioner that is to be held here and beaten

  2. #2
    Michael Cline

    Re: ::a ship enters the atmosphere of Corillia::

    OOC: For the record I never agreed to this so I really am a captive I guess. Heck I was never even told about this till it happened at the Bar and Grill

    IC: ::Michael is just waking up and looking around realizes he's at TSO::

    ROUL! You sonova...

  3. #3
    Darth Roul

    Re: ::a ship enters the atmosphere of Corillia::

    This is just a taste of what is to come
    : ulls out a tazer and shoots Cline with it. The electricity flows through his body as he goes limp::
    More to come

  4. #4
    Lady DeVille

    Re: ::a ship enters the atmosphere of Corillia::

    She entered the room. "Cline...interesting. How did this happen?"

  5. #5
    Michael Cline

    Re: ::a ship enters the atmosphere of Corillia::

  6. #6
    Lady DeVille

    Re: ::a ship enters the atmosphere of Corillia::

    ooc: LOL : /ic:

  7. #7
    Darth Roul

    Re: ::a ship enters the atmosphere of Corillia::

    I thank you LD for the idea, hireing Sanis Prent to capture me really turned out to be in my favor

  8. #8
    Lady DeVille

    Re: ::a ship enters the atmosphere of Corillia::

    She nodded slowly. "Interesting, indeed." De'Ville felt the voice rising in the back of her head, and she quashed it quickly. The boy was crying.

    She stalked out of the room.


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