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Thread: ME AND DF

  1. #1


    Gengar walks into his room and waits for his brother.

  2. #2

    Re: ME AND DF

    *Shortly DF walks in*

  3. #3

    Re: ME AND DF

    He stand up.

    *Ok first of all, this is slimy my pet three headed serpent*

    Points to a tank with a creatur swiming in it.

    *He is just a baby so don't go near him. Now follow me*

    They walk to the mirror.

    *Now you see this knob here on the left. You turn it like so*

    He twists it and it moves to the side reaveilning a door that leads to another room.

    *Now this is the control panal that you could use to set the difficult level and what you want to train with, droids, lasers, or these crystals that come flying at you and you have to move really fast to hit them*

    He sits down.

    *Or you can just sit and meditate on the dark force to help you with easuer performing your force moves*

    He moves away.

    *Go ahead choose the setting and we will train*

  4. #4

    Re: ME AND DF

    I wwould Like to train with the lasers and let them come fast at me.

    OOC:I g2g. cya tomorrow.

  5. #5

    Re: ME AND DF

    He smiles.

    *Fine i will set them on the level i train with the lasers*

    He goes over to the controls and sets it for him to train.

    *Ok now soon they will come out sticking out all over the walls. But if you get hit then that part of the body gets either paralyzed or feels bad pain. I had alittle trouble with this one but that was because i had droids with them*

    The laser guns come out.

    *Well i will be out here when your done. And then if you are up to it we could train together with the droids*

    He walks out and the door closes. He is now left in the room with the lasers pointing at him.

    OOC: OOhh yeah and when you destroy one of them, another oen will appear either in the sam spot or in a different spot on the walls. Once you have killed enough of them, then they will stop coming out and you will be done with the training. Good luck.

  6. #6

    Re: ME AND DF

    *Df starts delfecting the lasers he keeps delfecting till he final finishes*
    *G13 walks in*

  7. #7

    Re: ME AND DF

    *Well that was good DF*

    He then goes to the control panel and sets somethings.

    *This is a surprise, now lets see if you can handle*

    He walks out of the room and the doors closes. While DF is just standing there, 10 droids come out. Followed by 8 lasers come out of the walls. Gengar uses the force to to speak to him.

    *Ok bro beat them and me and you will spar at the training grounds haha*

    Gengar goes over and plays with Slimy.

  8. #8

    Re: ME AND DF

    DF make the hardest swings and takes out four with one blow. Next he takes the other droids out but then the lasers are are shoots also. He blocks the and knock the lasers out.
    *How'd you like that.

  9. #9

    Re: ME AND DF

    *Well i must say, when you want something then you really go for it huh hehehehe. Hhhmmmmm ok then are you ready to try a new level. I mean with me of course, cause i don't think me or you would make it through this one by our selves*

    He walks to the control panel and turns back to DF.

    *So what do you say. Hey i need the training since i haven't trained with my master for quite a while now*

    He waits for his decision.

  10. #10

    Re: ME AND DF


  11. #11

    Re: ME AND DF

    He nods.

    *Ok the settigns this time will be the droids will have good ls skills, adn they will have a light armor to protect them. The lasers will be set from stun paralize to stunned. So if you get hit by them then that body part is stunned and you can't use that so be careful*

    He sets it and then they wait. Soon the droids come out and the lasers. Genar brings out his gun and shoots three of the lasers and chrges the rest of them with his saber. He uses the force to speak to him.

    *Hey you handle the droids and i will take the lasers*

    Gengar destroys another 3 laser guns.

  12. #12

    Re: ME AND DF

    DF gets mad and Breaks the droid in half with his Saber.Next he Does a fling kick his saber and knocks the droids out.
    *Have any trouble*

  13. #13

    Re: ME AND DF

    Gengar had just killed one more laser gun and looks at DF.

    *Ummm i wouldn't turn your back. Look 20 more droids are coming out haha go et'em bro*

    Before Gengar could turn around, The laser gun hit Gengar in the left leg and Gengar could no longer use that one.

    *Owww that hurt. You will pay for that*

    Gengar took out his gun and shot the laser gun and destroyed it. He then killed the next 5, but he looked to his right and saw a droid come at him with a saber. Gengar was barley able to get his saber out and block the slash, He cut off the head and looked at DF who was fighting the droids. He looked tired.

    *Hey bro move it this one almost got me*

    He continues to desrtoy laser gun after laser gun.

  14. #14

    Re: ME AND DF

    DF does a force clone and know DF and the clone fight all the droids till the all die

  15. #15

    Re: ME AND DF

    Gengar plos on the ground after he and his brother are doen.

    *Good job. now after we rest if your not training then i would like it for you and me to spar at the training grounds*

    Gengar leans against the wall and catches his breath.

  16. #16

    Re: ME AND DF

    Ok. I'm not training sooo I guess I'll spar.

  17. #17

    Re: ME AND DF

    He smiles.

    *Good you choose the time*

  18. #18

    Re: ME AND DF

    Who about now.

  19. #19

    Re: ME AND DF

    Gengar gets up.

    *Well ok sure*

    Gengar and DF left.

    OOC: I will make the topic.

  20. #20

    Re: ME AND DF



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