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Thread: Lady DeVille......

  1. #1
    Live Wire

    Lady DeVille......

    You have reached the final phase of your training with me....soon I will take you to the battleground and let you get into some real trouble.

    *LW takes her apprentice to a heavilly wooded area where they can feel the dark forces permeating the air. A nearby lake kicks up contstant mist into the area making it hard to see at times. To the east of the woods the trees clear and open up into a clearing that drops off in a huge ravine that stretches on for miles. A small stripe of blue can be seen at the bottom of the canyon...the only evidence of the river hundreds of feet below.*

    LD: Wow!

    LW: This is where we shall train. This is the last phase. A hand to hand all out combat. No sabers. I know you are eager to use your newly contstructed saber but not this time. Limited force powers. Run, jump and that is it. You must learn to defeat your opponent in situations where you may not have full force capeability. Aside to being a Master of the dark side you must be a brutal fighter capeable of cruelty.

    LD: *nodds*

    *LW and LD look over the edge of the ravine as LD concentrates on what her Mistress just said. She turns and looks at LW*

    LD: I am ready

    LW: good

    *LW sends a huge kick to LD's midsection and watches as her apprentice tumbles backwards off of the rocky cliff*

  2. #2
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *As she falls off the edge of the cliff, LD reaches out for the face of the ravine, grasping for anything and everything. Finding a fingerhold she jams her fist into the rock face and halts her descent, wrenching her shoulders and smashing her body to the cliff. She hangs there only a second before force jumping up and out of the ravine. Once at the top, LW is nowhere to be found.*

    LD: owww *looks around and sees nothing in the mists*

    *LW comes from almost nowhere and kicks her apprentice again, this time in the small of her back, sending her facefirst into the forest floor. LD rolls to her feet, and takes a fist in her cheekbone, laying it wide open. Blood starts to fall freely down her face. LW swings her lithe body around for side kick, but LD grabs her foot and pulls hard towards herself, sending LW to a seat on the ground.*

  3. #3
    Live Wire

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *LW uses her other leg to kick LD's legs out from under her. LW goes into a backwards roll and comes to a standing position. LW goes to punch her apprentice in the face but LD blocks it. But when LW was down she had palmed a small sharp rock and her other hand swung around and dug the pointy end of the rock into the back of LD's neck.

    LD grabs a hold of LW's long black braid and twists her neck around forcing LW to drop the rock. LW twists her leg around LD's sending them both falling to the ground. LW changes into her pure energy form leaving LD looking around cautiously*

  4. #4
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *as she looks around, LD applies pressure to her cheekbone to try and stop the bleeding. She hears a snap of a twig behind her, and whirls around to face her mistress's foot. Quickly LD ducks under LW's leg, and tackles the Sith to the ground, wrenching LW's outstreched leg. LD straddles her and picks up her head by the ears, slamming it to the hard packed dirt. LW kicks LD in the back and LD lets go and rolls out of reach. They both regain their feet*

    LW: You are doing well, my apprentice * runs towards her*

    LD: I have been taught well, my mistress *she turns and finds herself facing a large tree. As LW draws near LD runs up the trunk and jumps down, facing LW's back*

  5. #5
    Live Wire

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *LW knows better then to try the kick so she jumps up and grabs a hold of a branch. Swinging up she wraps her legs around the branch and sits on it and then stands up and looks down at her apprentice.*

    LW: Scared yet?

    LD: I am just getting started.

    *LW grabs onto a banch above her and rips it out of the tree. Twirling it like a lightsaber she jumps to the ground and wacks LD on the side of the head with it. Grabbing her apprentices arm she twists it behind her back and forces LD to her knees. LW's knee preses on the small of LD's back as LD grimaces in pain.*

  6. #6
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *LD reaches back with her free arm and scrabbles for LW's face. Finding it, she digs in with her short nails, and puts her thumb on LW's eye and starts to press in...*

  7. #7
    Live Wire

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *LW growls and changes into her pure energy form and envelops LD. LD screams as she feels the very life being sucked out of her. LD collapses on the ground breathing hard trying to find some energy left in her

    LW stands behind her...the tree branch once again in her hand and using all of her strength she wacks LD on the back with is sending her sprawling forward*


    *climbs a tree and watches her apprentice lying on the ground*

  8. #8
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *As she lies on the ground, LD is only partly aware that she is not dead. Far away she hears LW's maniacal laughter, and it angers her enough to give her the strength to continue. She rolls backwards and away from the tree in which LW is perched, giving herself more room to manuever.*

    LW: Ready to give up? *jumps down*

    LD: I'll die first. *crouches into a defensive stance as LW again runs at her, swinging the club low at LD's knees. LD jumps over the club, and jabs her right elbow hard into LW's unprotected back. LW drops the club in surprise, and LD kicks it out of reach.* Hand to hand, eh? *LW faces LD, and LD grabs her by the head and bashes LW's face into her knee*

  9. #9
    Live Wire

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *LW grabs hold of LD's leg and flips her on the ground and kicks her in the stomach*

    LW: damn you made my nose bleed!

    LD: Good!

    *LW grabs LD's hair and draggs her over to the tree she just jumped down from. LD scratches at LW's arms but LW slams LD's face into the trunk of the tree.

    LW: Thats for making my nose bleed!

    LD: ow!

  10. #10
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *Her face becoming intimate with the tree trunk, LD gathers her legs underneath her and executes a force enhanced jump straight up into the tree. LW loses her grip on her hair, and is knocked backwards. As LW gets up she can no longer see LD, she is hidden in the canopy.*

    LW: What the hell? *Jumps into a neighboring tree*

    *LD silently works herself around the tree trunk as LW climbs over into her tree. As LW draws nearer, LD quickly breaks off a hefty branch (with effort!) and whacks LW in the left kneecap, sending her crashing down to the forest floor. LD sags against the branches, her eyes dimming from the severe head blows she had recieved. When her eyes clear after a few seconds, LW is no longer laying on the ground. But where is she?*

  11. #11
    Live Wire

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *LD looks around trying to see where LW might have gone. She hears sithly laughter from above and turns just as LW swings down from a branch and kicks LD right in the chest with both her feet and then swings back up and sits on the branch*


    *LD grasps for a branch as her arms pinwheel trying to gain balance but she tumbles out of the tree hitting her head on a rock*

    LW: Had enough yet?

  12. #12
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *Ears ringing, LD can barely hear her mistress taunting her. Unable to make out the words, she stumbles to her feet and waits as LW jumps out of the tree. Then she turns her back to her mistress.*

    LW: had enough? *continues to approach LD*

    *Every movement full of pain, LD backflips and wraps her thighs around LW's head, and flips back over, throwing LW to the ground. With a bucketful of rage and her last ounce of strength the sith apprentice pounces on LW (the breath knocked out of her) and turns her on her stomach, smashing her face into the dirt. Fading with exhaustion, LD twists LW's arm up hard enough to hear something pop.*

  13. #13
    Live Wire

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    LW: OOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! Damn it!!!

    *LW's body begins to glow and hundreds of volts of energy assualt LD's body. Unable to let go LD screams as the sound of crackling electricity is heared. With a loud pop LD is blasted off of LW's back her arms and hands burned by the electricity. Her clothes steaming she lays back against the tree just looking at her Mistress.*

    LW: *hee hee* paybacks a bitch aint it babe?

    *LW approaches her apprentice and pops her shoulder back in.....*

    LW: damn you dislocated my shoulder.

    *rubs it gently and picks up her fallen branch.*

    LW: Oh well I can stil use it.

    *slams the branch into LD's stomach causing her to double over in pain. LD's flesh steaming and her clothes torn in shreads she glares up at her Mistress*

    LD: I'm not finished yet.

    LW: Good cause neither am I! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

    *LW disappears again leaving her apprentice to lick her wounds*

  14. #14
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *her body burned and her clothes shredded, LD looks like a Napalm victim. She drags herself to her feet, and staggers away from the trees, barely even remembering where she is.

    She reaches the clearing in front of the ravine, and LW appears in front of her. LD stops, and cocks her head on one side, trying to focus on the apparition.*

    LW: Ready to quit?

    *In LD's head the face she sees is not that of her mistress. It is the face of the Sith Lord Palpatine, the dead Palpatine who had ordered the deaths of her parents so many years ago and made her life a living hell. RAGE pours out of every pore of her soul, and LD screams!* NO! I WILL NEVER QUIT! YOU WILL DIE! *Running straight at a startled LW, LD tackles her and they both fly right off the cliff...*

  15. #15
    Live Wire

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *in the split second they begin to fall LW thinks "just great my apprentice is a nut case!"*


    *LW grabs her knife she keeps on her and digs it into the side of the mountain slowing their descent. Her hand grab's LD's and they both slam into the mountain side*

    LW: I HOPE YOURE HAPPY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

    LD: sorry.....

    LW: Why me??!!?!?!?!?!! Ya know I should just drop you!

    *LD looks at her mistress in horror*

    LD: You wouldnt?!?!

    LW: try me!

    *LW lets go of her apprentices hand and LD screams as her body plummets down the side of the cliff. All of a sudden the scenery fades away and LD is left squirming on the battleground floor her mistress looking down at her*

    LD: What the?? How did you...but I thought....huh?!?!?

    *LW extends her hand to her apprentice and helps her to her feet.*

    LW: Sometimes the mind is more powerful then you imagine. The secenery was created by our minds. But the result on our bodies was real. The mind is infinately more powerful then the body. Had I not brought you out of the illusion the "fall" would have indeed killed you.

    LD: So none of it was real

    LW: It was real enough.

    *LW backhands her apprentice across the face*

  16. #16
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *LD reels from the blow, then steps up and hooks her foot around LW's ankle and knocks her to the ground. She falls on her, knee smashing her windpipe.*

    I can live on anger alone for years! *Her eyes leak tears, not from sorrow or pain, but from rage. LD looks down at her very muscular, but partially exposed, body.*

    This is for ruining my good clothes! *LD reaches back for leverage as she prepares to poke LW in her right eye*

  17. #17
    Live Wire

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *LD thrusts her hand towrds LW but LW grabs LD's finger and twists it backwards and hears a snap and LD' screams.*

    LW: I warned you not to try that again

    *LW kicks LD off of her and slams her fist into LD's stomach giving her another shock on her exposed skin. LD reaches up with what strenght she has left and rakes her fingenails across LW's face so LW backhands her across the face splitting LD's lip open. LW grabs LD's hair and twists her neck around*

    LW: BWAHAHAHAHAH! This ISNT in your mind.

  18. #18
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *LD sucks in a ragged breath as LW yanks her around by her hair. They both come to their feet, LW still maintaining her grip on LD's bedraggled hair. Bent over almost double LD is seeing double as well. Four feet are on the ground in front of her. Before she can register that fact in her brain, LW kicks her in the face, re-opening her cheek. The blood threatens to run into LD's eye.

    LD gathers her anger and headbutts LW in the stomach: with a cry LW's wind is knocked out and she goes down hard. Unfortunetly, she is still grasping LD's hair, and she is pulled forward and off balance. Stumbling, LD wipes frantically at her face, keeping the blood out of her vision. She sees LW gasping for air almost underneath her, so she kicks her hard in the side. LW finally releases LD's hair*

  19. #19
    Live Wire

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *LW gasps for air. Mad and her shoulder still hurting she grabs LD's arms and twists them behind her back and pulls out a dagger and holds it at LD's throat*

    LD: uh oh!

    *LW holds it there for a second and then releases LD and stands over her.*

    LW: Congratulations. You survived.

    *extends her hand to her apprentice and helps LD to her feet*

    LW: Not many could have survived what you just did. I am proud of you my apprentice.

    LD: Thanks.

    LW: Go get yourself cleaned up and have a medic droid take a look at you. You are ready to fight for real. Soon I will take you the gungan battleground and let you create some real havoc.

  20. #20
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Lady DeVille......

    *barely nods, then drags her burned, bleeding, bashed and broken body to the medical bay, where she soaks in a bacta tank for a week*


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