Takashi Koji

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In Character

Personal Information
Name: Takashi Koji
Age: 21
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Species: Mutant
Powers: Mass Empathy
Marital Status: Single
Physical Description
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 145 lbs
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
  • None


Empathy, the ability to sense the emotions and moods of others. With this Koji knows when someone is angry or sad or any emotion. No one is every completely emotionless, and he can pick up even the most well hid emotions exhibited when someone is try to be unemotional. Yet his powers expand incredibly from that point. Not only can he sense other's emotions but he can also influence other people's emotions by transferring his own emotional state to them. If he is angry he can transfer his angry emotions over to another person, thus making them angry too, even if they don't know what to be angry with or at. This does not relieve his emotions, it only shares them. If his emotions change then the person, or people, he is influencing changes. This is the common forms of Empathy, but his mutation is not normal. It goes a step forward by being capable of being able to influence large groups of people. Tight, mob-like crowds work best as the radius he can influence is limited, for now. So with it he can transfer his emotions to a group of people, thus being able to turn a happy crowd into a vicious mob if he feels like it. Connecting with so many minds takes a moment and he usually does so subconsciously without actually knowing he's doing it. His power does not have an off switch that he knows of, as a result he is always reading people's emotions and influencing those around him even if he doesn't want to. He can't control his powers in short, and it more controls him then him it. Over time, and with proper training, he may be able to learn to control his power and, also, to expand the radius of his mass Empathy influence and how quickly he can change the emotions of a large quantity of individuals. It is easier to ramp up a crowd if they are already in a mood that matches his, such as him being angry in the middle of a mildly angry crowd and pushing them over the edge and turning them into a mad group of people willing to fight, kick, and scream. No one can sense Koji influencing them, there is no prickling sensation or anything to announce an emotional influence. Strong mental powered mutants succumb just as easily to his powers, although if one centers on an opposite emotion then the one Koji is trying to influence them to can stop the process and give Koji quite the headache.


There is no on/off switch to his powers, thus causing him to always be feeling te emotions of others and projecting his emotions into others. He can control the intensity of his powers to a small degree, but cannot shut them off completely.


Takashi Koji was born November 11th, 1985 in Tokyo, Japan. His mother, Myra, worked at cashier at a superstore and his father, also named Takashi, worked for the Japanese Yakuza. His childhood was just as eventful as any child growing up in Tokyo. While he was learned to walk and talk his mother was absent, working late hours everyday at the superstore. His father, although an agent of the Yakuza- The Japanese Mafia, he found time for his son. Even though the time he found was only minutes, he spent just as much time with little Takashi as his mother. When he was six his father was promoted within the Yakuza and money become more abundant in their family. By the time he was going to school his mother quit her job at the superstore and allowed her husband to become the sole provider for the family. His father took more hours and was away more, this saddened little Takashi. He preferred being around daddy instead of mommy. School was more or less uneventful, he was neither smart nor dumb, but rather the middle class of student who did not excel but did not fail either. He was small, even by Japanese standards, as a child and was, of course, picked on by the bigger kids. This change as he grew older and taller. He became the bigger student, naturally lean and muscular, not to mention energetic. He excelled in sports and exhibited great hand-eye coordination. Of course at the end of the day he could be found taking part in Japan's biggest industry: Video games. He was not the best when it came to those electronic games, but he loved them all the same. The video game arcades were a personal favorite place to hang out for Takashi and his friends. Throughout all those days Takashi's father found time to be with him, to take him places, talk with him, and even help him with his homework. A seemingly unbreakable bond was created between father and son and no one compared to the love they shared. He loved his mother, but not in the same way as his father.

But happiness is not to last. One night, shortly after he'd turned fifteen, his father disappeared. They could get no answers from the Yakuza, and where too afraid to push their questions in harder, just in case the Yakuza pushed back. This devastated not-so-little Takashi and he plunged into serious depression. The doctors could do nothing for him and no matter of pills solved the problem. His grades in school fell with his joy and shattered like his heart. He never did bad enough to be expelled, he just did the minimal. Then at that time the popularity of Western culture in Japan exploded and everyone wanted to get on the bandwagon. Kids dyed their hair blond, wore Western style clothing, and tried to be like the foreign Americans. Takashi learned of a style of being in America known as "Goth". Goths were sad, desperate kids like him who wore dark clothes and make-up. So Takashi began dressing in dark clothing and wearing black eyeliner and other dark make-up. He stood out for a year or two until everyone else started getting into the look. His look then morphed into a style of his own as he neared the end of his education. His styles incorporated the dark undertones of black, drab clothing with other colors. Sometimes he could be seen wearing a black dress shirt, slacks, and a green tie. His emotional status changed as well and, without knowing it, he'd conformed to the "Emo" lifestyle that would one day become popular in America.

After his father died Takashi's mother returned to the superstore, getting her old job back and working all day long in order to afford their house rent, his education, and food on the table. Takashi worked small jobs on the side, but that money went towards personal things, such as clothing and other items. Then the unthinkable happened. His mother began dating an American living in Japan. The man was a former U.S. Marine who'd moved to Japan awhile back. The man's name was John Locke and before Takashi knew it the man had moved into their little home. Takashi did not take kindly to Locke, in fact he down right refused to acknowledge the man who, in his mind, was trying to take the place of his father, and he would not allow that. Eventually his mother forced him to talk with Locke and get to know him. Takashi resented him to the very last moment, but Locke did prove useful. The amount of Americans in Japan grew and so did the use of English. Takashi learned English from Locke and within a few years of this was able to actively converse with others in English. He even took an English class during his last year of school.

Yet before even Locke had showed up Takashi was at work in the underground of Japan. First it was beating up people for money, but it escalated into car racing. He found the sleek, small racing cars so attractive that he could not put it down. He worked on his driving and caught the eye of a racing car manufacturer who sponsored him in races. He did rather well and made some money. But things went crazy when Drifting became popular and Takashi's style of driving proved ineffective. He could drift fairly well, but not good enough to win races. He lost too many times and his sponsor kicked him out and sponsored another, more promising racer. Takashi changed his plans for the future.

His plans involved going to America, to get away from Japan and his mother and Locke. He just wanted to get away and be on his own, to do something successful and make his father proud. Despite what his mother said Takashi knew his father was watching over him, he could sense his presence with him wherever he went. Sometimes he even thought he heard his father talking to him, his mother called him crazy. The end of November '06 came and Takashi, recently turning twenty-one, boarded a plane and left Japan, heading for America. His plane landed in New York and Takashi was faced with a new world to cope with. His English skills came in handy now to converse with the natives. There was still many things to learn: Slang, larger more complex words, and the names of important locations and places. He found an apartment room, using what money he had saved up to rent it out, and then began to explore the city, looking for employment.

Unknown to anyone, even Takashi, his father had been a mutant and Takashi carried dormant x-genes within him. His powers would be unleashed soon enough, whether he was ready for them or not...

Out Of Character

See Zereth Lancer.


Takashi Koji's character is created from a unique mix of elements from the song "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance, the movie "Too Fast, Too Furious: Tokyo Drift", and the views, character, and personality of the famous revolutionary John Locke.