Conversation Between Elira Asael and Inyos Aamoran

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello, Elira.

  2. Fly boy?

  3. Don't give me that look, Ra's. Gives a girl all sorts of ideas.
  4. Weren't you telling me about how you Jedi do healy things? Maybe you can see to it personally.
  5. That sounds like a serious problem. Perhaps you should consult a physician?
  6. You hug me, Master Jedi and I might have problems letting you go.
  7. Friends? I... am honoured, Captain. I don't believe I've ever had one of those before. Not outside the Order, at least.

    I am unsure of the protocols, however. Is it culturally expected that we hug now?

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8