An excited gasp came first, drawing in the proper sort of air for what was needed next.

"Y' did??" Cleo practically squealed at the joy behind it.

Okay, so maybe it was a bit too much but lightsabers were a big deal to Jedi. They were part of who they all were. It wasn't so simple as just a weapon. They meant stuff. Colors meant stuff and making them meant stuff. Important stuff.

"Kin ah see?" The question was blurted out rapid fast before Cleo could think of any reason why that might not be such a good idea.

The reasons came right quick though and she had to force herself to settle back down from where she'd sprung up from her seat and had replaced her bottom with her knees on it's surface. All the better to kinda lean across the table but now she was backtracking, rewinding, undoing until she felt more proper again. They were at lunch after all. Not the time to be getting all rowdy and kneeling on table benches and such.

"Ah means… y'know. Af'er foodstuffs."

Cleo quickly set about making everything more upright again. The fork she'd dropped was wiped off with a spare napkin before she went back to poking at her meal with it.

"Y' know. Only iffin y' wanna. Nah gonna push for nothin'."

She knew it, though! Knew there had been something different about Mos Mos when she saw him and Cleo started taking bets on what color the blade would turn out to be. Winner got ice cream!