While Satkia had been to Ossus a couple of times, she wasn't bound to stay. She was a Jedi at the core of her being, and wouldn't trade this for anything in the world; but she had been a wanderer for most of her life, including while training under her dear and late master, eventually adding her pupil and friend Cordelia to their small crew. Where home still was to the fiery redhead was Nar Shaddaa. While it was renowned for being a hive of scum and villainy, she knew it was more than that as well.

She knew more travels awaited soon, and she had grown curious about the padawan, Serah, who had sought her out to give her news from Cordelia. Although she was happy to hear that the Knight was traveling to the Great Library, she hadn't expected that her friend would send a new padawan her way as messenger. She couldn't her but wonder whether Cordelia might bring the girl along, even possibly taking her as a student.

Time would tell; but for now, the petite Master had someone to meet.

She might not relocate to Ossus on a permanent basis; but it was important to her to introduce herself to at least part of the Council, for she would always be available if the Jedi needed her. She might have her own ways of being a Jedi and where to practice the arts of the Force, but she was deeply loyal.

She had sent a request to meet with whomever was available at that time. She didn't know who they would be, but she was looking forward to that. She had been surprised that she was asked to come to one of the large fountains in a section of the gardens, close to the Jedi Temple, but not actually inside. This potential for lack of strong formalities was to the redhead's liking.

Dressed in her usual attire, the petite woman made her way to the right place, and stood by one of the nearby trees, eyes wandering towards the nature around her. She remembered someone once telling to her she was a city-child masquerading as a tree hugger, although she happened to be comfortable in either settings.