Alright, so I thought it might be helpful to have a thread establishing what is happening in this thread... since we potentially have a lot of characters, all in different places on Onderon.

SO, currently we are in the third day of the festival. Already there has been a little partying and such, but that's going to pale in comparison to what's ahead. The Hapan Prince is arriving very soon, and the royal folks are in preparation for that.

What else is going to happen?
  • Dancing! No masquerade this time around, but another chance to schmooze with one another.
  • Fighting! Perhaps some masquerading here! Raz and Adraudia are going to be tasked with winning a few battles, for which they will receive special Sithy prizes.
  • More Fighting! But this time with more permanent consequences. Under the cover of darkness, when the eclipse is in full swing, some conflict is going to occur. Maybe even some rioting.
So essentially what I'm looking for is ideas of what else to thread into the festival.