CSA Administration Building - Mondder, Etti IV

For what might perhaps be the last time, Delgado stood in front of the mirror in his quarters and ran a hand down the front of his pristine off-white uniform, smoothing out the creases that often formed around where the rotund belly he'd accumulated over the years had vanished during his time as a guest of the Corporate Sector Authority. It wasn't through neglect or lack of good food; rather, the hot and stormy climate of Etti IV made the pounds flow off him in liquid form whenever he ventured outside the compound.

That same weather had made wearing his standard uniform an unwise choice; left to hang in the wardrobe of his spacious penthouse quarters, he never thought to requisition a more fitting replacement except for the few occasions where he actually wore the thing. He supposed that, if today went to plan, he wouldn't need to.

The message from Moff - Empress - Tarkin had come as quite some surprise. Delgado had always considered himself to be an individual who evaded notice and recognition with considerable prowess. He wasn't bitter: indeed, he wholeheartedly enjoyed his work, and the sizable collection of extra-vocational perks that came along with it. If promotion to a position of greater responsibility would require him to move away from his associations with the Corporate Sector, then it probably wasn't a wise move.

But apparently, his efforts had not gone unnoticed. Someone had been paying attention, and had recommended him for a new role. As the Empress had put it herself, the Empire needs a leadership it can rely on. Apparently, someone felt that that he was that sort of person, and that made him proud. Granted, he'd made a career so far of subtly manipulating those around him to conform with the wishes of the Empire; no doubt there was a - probably justified - belief that he would toe the party line. Delgado was happy to do so, for one simple reason: he had spent the last several years trying to make the Corporate Sector a better place for all its inhabitants; the final obstacle - the incumbant Executive Officer - was finally going to be moved aside.

There was of course the small matter of the election. The ExO of the Corporate Sector did not serve a fixed term, but rather remained in office until the Executive Directorship Board raised and passed a vote of no confidence, and elected his successor. For a whistful moment he considered the parallels between himself and Senator Palpatine of Naboo, awaiting the vote that would see him installed as Chancellor of the Republic.

Like Palpatine, there were forces at work that would sway the vote in his favour, but in this case it was not the illegal blockade of his homeworld. The forces this time were allies of the new Empress: businesses whose loyalty had shifted as soon as Miranda Tarkin had accepted her throne. With the backing of economic powerhouses like TaggeCo, Russard Industries and the Kuat Drive Yards, his elevation was assured.

Speaking of allies of the Empress, his conscious mind muttered inside his head, We had better get to the landing platform to give them the greeting they deserve.

With one last tug at the front of his uniform, and one final glimpse in the mirror, Delgado Xaanan waved a hand in front of the sensor that controlled his appartment's lighting, and set off to meet his future.