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Thread: A man on the town

  1. #41
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    On a tree!
    The pandemonium rode ahead of them like a wave, sending the civilians running. s'Il's snarls and growls fortunately carried like a warning, clearing the plaza of anybody who might get hurt.

    "Alright..." Anbira grumbled through ragged breath.

    The Jedi suddenly jumped upwards, seeming to run up stairs that were not there. He stopped at a height of twenty feet, and looked down at the vornskr that chased him.

    "Now what?"

  2. #42
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Skidding to a halt directly beneath the Jedi, the vornskr let out a gutteral, clipped growl. Rearing up, she stood on her hind legs, front paws striking out in futile attempts to reach the Force-thing.

    Her body twisted, her movements a mixture of sharp, jerky lotions and smooth turns, going in circles. The use of the force drove her nearly mad, and she howled, a horrible, discordant cacophony with undertones of the pain the Force was generating within her mind; her now very much primitive mind. Muscles bunched, sending her into the air - to no avail. No matter what she did, she could not reach the Jedi.

    Another howl began low in her throat as she cast enraged yellow eyes up at him, circling below in anxious wait.

  3. #43
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    A slight gesture from the Jedi Master, and s'Il was airborne, floating at his height, but just out of reach. He hesitated, and held her there, watching her writhe uselessly in his control.

    "You have absolutely no control of yourself, do you?" He asked, mostly to himself, as he had no doubt the beast wasn't listening.

  4. #44
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Brought up into the air, s'Il's growing growl turned into a sharp yelp of pain as she found herself facing the Jedi. And yet she stil did her best to lunge at him, the air around her offering no resistance as she twisted and writhed, the Jedi just out of reach. She bit out another growl, lips curling back in a grotesque, tooth-filled grin.

    Her tail whipped around, doing its' best to reach the man just beyond her reach, but even that failed to make any sort of contact - it stopped a mere foot from where he was.

    And still she struggled, held aloft by a power that was driving her insane.

  5. #45
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Anbira resigned himself to getting no answer from her, and slowly let her sink back to the ground. Once six feet above pavement, he let her drop to her paws. As she did, the Jedi set to task with building a kennel...

    A row of street light uprooted themselves from their concrete edifices with a sudden crunch, and a groan of distressed durasteel. Snapping power cables sparked as their lights were put out. Anbira orchestrated it all, redirecting the metal missiles all around the lupine, driving them into the stony plaza walkway in a circular perimeter. They came in close together, and staggered so to corrall the beast to the center, lest she be hit.

  6. #46
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Penned, the vornskr paced violently, whipping her body from side to side in the vain attempt to escape this new prison. A growl punctuated the air around her, and she bit out an enraged bark, teeth gnashing and flecks of saliva flying in every direction.

    Rearing up, the Lupine pounded her front paws against the bars of this new cage. She snarled, twisted, turned, but to no avail. She was penned.

  7. #47
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Groaning, the metal lamp posts intertwined together at the top, closing like a flower's petals. Anbira soundlessly descended from above, touching down at the pavement near the Lupine.

    "I think it's about time for you to settle down."

  8. #48
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    A fresh wave of maddened rage coursed through her, and the Lupine literally threw herself at the bars of her cage, slamming her body into them. Ferocious anger clouded her tawny eyes as she spun in a tight circle, only to once again rear up, paws pounding the bars of her pen in the vain attempt to escape.

    Jaws snapping open and shut, the vornskr bared her teeth, lips curling back to expose sharp fangs, ready to tear through flesh and bone; tendon and muscle.

    And at his words, the beast let out a growl, beginning in the bottom of her throat before coalescing into a snarl.

  9. #49
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Anbira closed distance until he was just beyond the Lupine's reach at the periphery of her makeshift cage.

    "It's your choice. I've got all the time in the world."

  10. #50
    Mr. Flux
    "You fool; she can't help herself!"

    A tiny, raspy voice seemingly roared at the Jedi Master from behind. Flux had...more or less been following the Lupine; a lupine whom he happened to be close friends, having met her several times in diners, and even once in a restaurant where they had a grand time. But what this moron had just done had made the small 'boy' rather angry.

    He wore his normal guardian attire. The tophat laced with cortosis, and the black drab. He was a Jedi, but he did not concern himself with the order, he didn't bother with any of the other padawans, Knights, or even Masters. He had his own concerns. He dealt justice in his own way.

    The fifty year old child let his eyes rest on the vornskr that was his friend. A friend in an absolute savage form. He had sworn to her he would put her down if he ever saw this. Ever saw her change; and in a form so vulnerable she would kill.

    However, this was not her fault- and he knew and recognized that. The boy spoke..

    "I should put you down for this. You know nothing about lupine's!"

    He moved around the metal cage; he had made his way over after he saw what Anibra had been doing. The pale boy looked the master over, then to s'Ilancy..

    "Quit using the force; it torture's her mind, her very being.."...He said to him, just to make sure the brute wouldn't do so again. She would have to be tranquilized...

    He reached within the sanctity of his robes, and grabbed a communicator; a very annoyed look on his face as electricity sparkled in his eyes for a moment.

  11. #51
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    She was in the throes of absolute rage, throwing herself without abandon at the bars of her cell. Gaping maw snapping, the beast snarled while twisting her body in circles, looking for any way to escape.

    Her only need was to destroy the Force-thing, and the arrival of this newcomer went as unheeded as Anbira's words.

  12. #52
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "There isn't any need anymore. She's not going anywhere."

    Anbira crossed his arms over his chest, looking at the small pale child and the lupine beneath a furrowed brow.

  13. #53
    Mr. Flux
    He had just been done putting a call into the coruscant guard. A team was on it's way with tranq's. Flux looked to the Jedi with disgust.

    "There is a need. She needs to calm. She must transform back. Idiot."

  14. #54
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    The vornskr grew still then, head lowered and staring at the Force-thing over the tops of her eyes. Saliva could be seen dripping from her tooth-filled jaws in a viscuous stream, pooling on the duracrete below as she glared, maddened tawny orbs upon the cause of her most primal urge to kill.

    And then she did move, once more rearing up to throw her body against her cage in the still very futile effort to tear her quarry limb from limb.

  15. #55
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Anbira turned to the diminuitive man.

    "That can be done here and now."

    He turned back to s'Ilancy, extended a hand, and...


    ...catapulted the lupine's head into the nearest lightpost with the force, leaving a clean contour-fitting dent in the already bent post, and causing the she-beast to crumple into an unconcious heap.

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