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Thread: I need a Jedi to hunt.

  1. #1
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    It's all fun and games till one of you gets my foot up your ass.

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Adia Issoris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    I need a Jedi to hunt.

    Adia is, as far as she knows, the Emperor's hand. While Vader and the 66'd most of the Jedi, Adia has also ended some of them.

    So I need a Jedi to hunt and nearly kill

  2. #2
    Spada Elhow
    Sure, why not? I could use a good fight, and its ok if i get a bit roughed up, just as long as you think im dead (maybe ill fall in a pit or something). Since Dorin's atmosphere is toxic to Humans, perhaps we could work something out where Spada is going out to a nearby planet, and Adia ambushes him. I remember that before the reset, I created a planet where this thread could work out called Koran, and heres a description;

    Koran is a lush forest planet still in its earlier stages of development. The wild, unhindered forests are home to thousands of new, undiscovered species evolved for the planet's conditions. They are divided into 2 continents and are separated by a large, warm ocean. The sea floor is abundant with volcanic activity, resulting in a warmer temperature of about 90* average. The land is mostly forests with little or no underbrush, due to the unique ability of the trees. The tall, fairly narrow trees reach about 500 feet tall and 15 feet wide during their adult years. The special thing about the trees is when their seeds are released and plant into the ground, they secrete a chemical which kills all plants except for the trees, creating a very empty forest floor with high branches. As the land is closer to the water, however, the land changes to a rocky beach from the volcanic lava hardening on the shore.

    tell me if you like it, and if you don't then i have no problem scratching the idea and going with something else.

  3. #3
    Spada Elhow
    Alright, I'm starting off the thread...look for "The Hunter and the Hunted" in the Roleplaying section, respectively.

    happy hunting!


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