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Thread: Darkest Days - Sacrifice

  1. #41
    Um I was just going to ask when I'm supposed to post next... I'm sort of waiting for Dashiel to post? So no posting order?

  2. #42
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    If you feel you have something to contribute, by all means do. I'm going to try and get a couple posts in at some point today.

  3. #43
    Kyran O'Hurn
    Just wondering what the location of everyone is?

    Just wondering, since the way that I read Jane's post it was like Ky and Grace were in the same building now, which I didn't think they were.

    Just want to get an idea of where everyone is at so I can post.

  4. #44
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    I was going off of what the preceding post to mine said - that Grace had run into a building that had a rebel sniper on the roof.

    I can edit. *shrug*

  5. #45
    Kyran O'Hurn

    Woops... missed that...

    Never mind then...

    Though the way I had it in my head Ky and Charley were on the opposite side of where Grace would have been running. My thinking is that she was running after the guards who were taking Dasq who would have been dragging him the opposite way of the snipers.

    Rossos is the one that wrote the part about the sniper, so not sure if he meant rebel sniper or one of the Inq (I think they're Inq vs being regular Imp) snipers.

    Just trying to figure it all out cause one way Ky would run into Grace and the other way he's just be making a run for it so just want to make sure I have it all straight before I post.

  6. #46
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    I figured I was on the other side of you guys as well. Be easier to have everyone fanned out ya know?

    I kinda have an idea of what to post after our OOC discussion in the main forum. Just trying to figure out the specifics

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