View Poll Results: What's your opinion of Bryan Singer signing on to make X-Men: First Class?

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  • I think this is the right move for Bryan Singer and for the X-Men franchise; bring on the first class of mutants!

    3 42.86%
  • I think another director should direct this movie, and Bryan Singer should continue the franchise moving forward with X4.

    0 0%
  • I don't think we need another X-Men prequel, regardless of who directs it.

    1 14.29%
  • I'd rather see Bryan Singer focus on another project entirely.

    0 0%
  • I think what matters most here is concept and casting, not who is directing.

    3 42.86%
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Thread: IMDb Daily Poll: Your opinion of Bryan Singer signing on to make X-Men: First Class?

  1. #1

    Poll IMDb Daily Poll: Your opinion of Bryan Singer signing on to make X-Men: First Class?

    What's your opinion of Bryan Singer signing on to make X-Men: First Class?

    "A Jedi must remain focused. Mastery of the Force requires that all unnecessary activities be purged from daily life."

  2. #2
    Any proper "First Class" X-Men movie should have Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Beast, and Angel: the original five X-Men. Last Stand went so overboard with trying to cram as much comic into the story as possible that they shafted themselves out of that option.

    If it was a franchise reset, with an aim to bring X-Men in line with The Avengers, I'd be all for it: and I'd be super-happy for Bryan being in the driving seat, since he did such a good job with the other two. But if it's just milking yet more out of the X-Men / Wolverine franchise? I'd rather they didn't, to be honest.

    ...I'll still probably see it in the cinema on the first day it's out, though.

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Instead of so many comic film reboots from the late 90s and early 2000s they should focus more on stuff that really needs a reboot or a first appearance on the big screen.

    I do not need any new X-Men or Spiderman movie but I would love to see a reboot of SPAWN. I think the comic hero movies of the last decade are all in all good movies...compared to the stuff that we saw in the 80s and 90s they are nearly perfect.

    Comic movies that I care a lot more about are films like the new "Masters of the Universe" project or Peter Jackson's idea to turn "Neon Genesis Evangelion" into a movie(That has been canceled but the preproduction artwork can be found on the WETA website!).

    Sorry for getting offtopic but I seriously think that rebooting franchises every five years sucks. Especially since every new or rebooted franchise has to be the first movie in a series that leads us not to any kind of closure in the end.

    X-Men 3 sucked but at least it really marked the ending of a series and maybe this is a good thing.

  4. #4
    I didn't overly mind X3 - definitely went overboard with all the characters they crammed in but wasn't too bad. However considering the state of events the film finished up in I don't think I'm overly concerned about having an X4.

    Regarding X-Men: First Class, a comment I found on another board amused me (and may well be completely true):

    "I think it will flop due to Hugh Jackman/Wolverine not having a part in it. Or by them being stupid and ruining the story by giving him a part."

    Guess they can't win either way.

  5. #5
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Here's a recent bit from IGN on the First Class movie:

    2011 is the year we get our first look at the First Class. Singer will helm a prequel-reboot hyrbid that takes us back to the first day of school for Xavier's mutants, based on the popular Marvel books written by Jeff Parker and penciled by Roger Cruz.

    The director has ditched Josh Schwartz's script for the film, and instead brought in writer Jamie Moss to depict the origins of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. In a recent interview with The L.A. Times, Singer revealed that First Class's story will center on Professor X and Magneto, and how their relationship went wrong. Singer also name dropped Cyclops, Jean Grey and Beast as mutants who will play key roles in the new film. (Fans can expect younger actors to play the freshman class.)

    As for whether or not Jackman would show up as the ageless Wolverine, Singer just shrugs.

    "Just doing younger mutants is not enough," says Singer. "The story needs to be more than that. I love the relationship between Magneto and Xavier, these two men who have diametrically opposite points of view but still manage to be friends -- to a point. They are the ultimate frenemies."

    Hopes are high for this film to harken back to the hyper-realism and character dynamics of the first two X-Men films. Singer knows how to tell ensemble stories well -- see The Usual Suspects and the underrated Valykrie as proof. We look forward to the X-Men's return to Comic-Con's Hall H, as Singer will no doubt bring some brain-melting footage with him to the geek gathering. (Singer made a huge splash for X2 at the San Diego convention. He'll most likely continue the trend with his next X project.)
    They also have a quote from Singer with regard to X4

    The director is quoted as telling Shuler Donner to "hold [X4] off for just a little, I'm fixated on [First Class] right now." To which the producer responded, "I will, I will ... I'm holding it open with high hopes. It's totally different [from First Class] and it will be so interesting for you."

  6. #6
    If done right it will be really good...X-Men was always a team book and not Wolverine + the X-Men which is what the franchise became. He got his own series which is fine so keep the X-Men as a team oriented ensamble film and it'll work a lot better.

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    I don't want Singer to do X-Men 4. I want him to do X-Men 3! I'm serious!

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    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    It's too late for that, Droo!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Droo View Post
    I don't want Singer to do X-Men 4. I want him to do X-Men 3! I'm serious!
    Best he can do is another sequel unless he sends Bishop/Cable back to change the timeline.

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    LOL they totally should do that.

    oh what a tangled web I weave

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jedi Master Carr View Post
    Best he can do is another sequel unless he sends Bishop/Cable back to change the timeline.
    Now this is more like it! He could totally do a Star Trek and go back in time, that way we can see the real third X-Men film!

  12. #12
    Obviously they could go Days of Future's past and have sentinels ruling the future. The other possibility is with Xavier's death and Magneto losing his powers maybe Age of Apocalypse future.

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    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Apparently Charlies Xavier has been recast:

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    That's okay. McAvoy can act.

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    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Now I wonder who will be Magneto..

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Dasquian Belargic View Post
    Now I wonder who will be Magneto..
    My choice Ewan McGregor, he looks like a young Ian Mckellan. McAvoy is a good choice he can act which will help the project.


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