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Thread: Novgorod: A Comedy of Errors

  1. #241
    TheHolo.Net Poster
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    Being Fabulous on Bespin!
    There came a look upon Okar's face, fleeting as it was, that recalled his displeasure at what he'd seen from those utilitarian hooves that he'd cajoled his magicians to passing off as real feet.

    "Oh my, not a single day after makeover and already we're a diva. A thousand suns forbid I undo all the good that's been done. I'd have to lop your feet off at the ankle and only do close-ups."

    A huffy sigh.

    "A chair for our peasant princess of the day, then!"

  2. #242
    Inwardly she smirked at the thought of being a 'peasant princess', as Okar had put it. It was amusing to think on, and s'Il idly wondered how the Hutt would treat her if he knew exactly what it was he 'owned'. This was a fleeting thought however. Okar was put off a bit, that much she could tell, and s'Il used it to her advantage.

    In less than a heartbeat she was crouched on the Hutt's hoversled, a graceful little leap bringing her up to land expertly beside her 'employer' - almost in the crook of the curve his body created.

    "Oh, I'd hate to inconvenience you," she smiled sweetly, shifting her torso so that she partially faced Okar with a sickeningly innocent look. His praises from the day before had not fallen on deaf ears, and the Lupine made sure that every facet and minimal curve of her body was evident through her linen garments.

    "... it is much more comfortable here."

  3. #243
    TheHolo.Net Poster
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    The hutt exhaled a plume of purple smoke, a bit weary of the groupie act, but still amused at the young model's moxie.

    Luscious rolled his eyes. Okar paid him no mind. No sense in squandering one's fifteen minutes, and if anything, Okar appreciated going large rather than going small.

    "I know."

    With a small motion of his hand, the caravan resumed its journey. After a few minutes touring the beautiful vista, they arrived at their destination. The holding pens were brusque and not very aesthetic, but allowed them to inspect the pelts up close. The wookiees within seemed to stir with pent up angry energy, pacing behind the transparisteel window that separated them from Okar's retinue.

  4. #244
    The sight was almost enough to repulse her. As it was, s'Il kept herself still. She did put on a slight show of interest, her eye going over the Wookiees as each shifted behind the window of the holding pen. They bristled, baring teeth and claws. It was a brutal and visceral show of raw power, chained and bound to a cruel fate.

    It was something that the young Lupine could recognize and feel and she bit her lip, making a face that was impossible to interpret.

    "When will you take their fur," she asked finally.

  5. #245
    TheHolo.Net Poster
    Has been a member for 5 years or longer Okar the Fabulous's Avatar
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    "We're borrowing them from the local Imperial Moff, and they're due back at a prison in the next sector tomorrow. We'll have them shaved down in the next few hours, and then sort the fur for color and quality."

    It was a bit in-depth of a question for a model to ask, but Okar enjoyed talking trade, so he indulged.

    "After that, we put it to spinning and yarning. Of course, the end product will probably be a week or more, but there's so much to be said of controlling the product from start to finish."

  6. #246
    She listened, unable to take her eye away from those on the other side of the clear paneling. It was mesmerizing in a sickening way.

    "Then the Moff often sends you Wookiees to... shave?"

  7. #247
    TheHolo.Net Poster
    Has been a member for 5 years or longer Okar the Fabulous's Avatar
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    "You act like it's out of the goodness of his heart."

    The hutt stifled a laugh.

    "If I'm ever 'offered' something from the Empire with no strings attached, I'll be on a keen lookout for a knife sticking out of my back."

    He gave her a patronizing pat on her shoulder as he took a sip from his drink.

    "No my dear, I paid good money for this kind of access. This is something of do we say...trial basis? We'll see how it markets, won't we? I'm not about to invest in a dud."

  8. #248
    "Of course, it's not usually something that we do, but evolving times call for evolving styles."

    Luscious snarked his way into the conversation that Okar had seemed to grace the girl with, and giving her his best disapproving glance, the majordomo slid between the two.

    "The best pelt will be mine, of course."

    He gave her a throw-away glance before going on.

    "I'm sure something will be left for you though, so don't worry."

    And then it was back to business, as if his little fit had been nothing but normal.

    "Moff Keska sent along a message, that he will be arriving in the late evening. He is curious about what you will do with the fur. I offered him our best rooms."

  9. #249
    TheHolo.Net Poster
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    Okar rolled his eyes at the passed-along query.

    "Pearls before swine, Luscious. Pearls before swine. He does know what line of work we're in, no?"

    Dealing with the Empire apparently had a souring effect on Okar's mood, and he dispensed with the remnants of his drink.

    "I don't expect to share a lot of fashion pointers with the military. When your only tool is an iron, every bit of fluff looks like it needs an extra shot of starch. Isn't that how it goes?"

  10. #250
    "They may be a bit out of touch, but you know it's always possible to impress upon them the necessity of a sharpish-like attire. You should use this as an opportunity."

    Luscious gave the Hutt a savvy sort of look that held a bit of teasing sensuality mixed in.

    "You could look at it as a way to secure future contracts; the Imperial machine may be simplistic in their clothing needs, but that does not mean that there cannot be a certain amount of style involved."

  11. #251
    TheHolo.Net Poster
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    "Oh dear and now we're all thinking and I'm afraid the condition is contagious."

    Still, there was some nugget of wisdom in what he said. Sure, it was selling out, and it was beneath his creative energies, but a contract with the Imperial military had the potential to bring in enormous amounts of revenue just from economy of scale. Even if they just supplied a fraction of it, that was a guaranteed cash flow.

    "I suppose that could dovetail into our plans to show off that kind of simple, severe aesthetic that's coming to focus. I'll float the idea at least. As loathe as I am to consider something so assembly-line, I won't pass up a sure thing."

  12. #252
    Luscious gave a playful smirk, reserved only for Okar.

    "They would be so lucky. I will frame it adequately enough, since you are pressed for time, and busy enough as it is with your current... " he cast a glance to the dancer, "... creations."

    One hand went out to idly stroke one of the feathers in Okar's headband, and he let two fingers trail lazily down the side of the Hutt's face.

    "I'll make sure everything is just the way you like it."

  13. #253
    She couldn't even be disgusted by the display. It was simply too absurd.

    She wondered where Dan was at this point, but with both Hutt and majordomo so engrossed with one another, it was difficult to keep her mind focused. Of course, the throng of Wookiees that she was staring at did not help either.

    Her shoulders slumped just a bit, and her ears ticked back. For as much humiliation as she'd endured, the young Lupine knew that those she had been sent to rescue were living their lives in far more terrible situations.

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