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Thread: Blogging

  1. #1

    Help Blogging

    Someone suggested I write a daily blog, to make sure that I'm doing something productive on a regular basis. I'm finding the process of writing posts pretty exhausting (I feel like I've run a marathon right now), but I've written quite a few posts already, and it feels really good having managed to "do" something.

    What I'm struggling with right now though is working out what to blog about - my mobility issues mean I don't have many daily life stories to share with people. Some people have suggested doing a particular kind of post (maybe on a particular day), such as -

    • What I'd Do With
      The first of these came out today, talking about what I would personally do if they put me in charge of making Star Trek 3. Next Friday I have one queued up about what I'd do if the CW put me in charge of making a Wonder Woman series. I might do one for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary, for season 2 of Arrow, for Star Wars VII, and that sort of thing. I don't want to be too science fictiony though, so if you have any suggestions that would be a big help. Also, I'm trying to remain as positive and spoiler free as I can - the last thing I want to do is criticise stuff that other people enjoyed - so it'd be helpful to know if you guys think I'm succeeding with that.

    • Party of Awesome
      My housemate asked the "what famous people would you invite to a dinner party?" question, and now we have a running joke about how the people that you'd invite to a dinner party aren't the same people you'd invite over if you were going to have booze and nachos while playing mario kart, or whatever. Last Saturday I did my Dinner Party five, this Saturday I have a Lounge Party (mario kart), the following Saturday I have a Landing Party (on Mars)... and I've had suggestions for a Garden Party (grill/barbeque) and a Wedding Party (celebrity best man, bridesmaids, etc). If you can think of any other kinds of (blank) Party so I can keep this going for as long as possible, that would be a huge help!

    • Stupid Questions
      Can doves cry? Why are apartments called that, when they're close together? Why is there no 'e' in Tumblr? Sometimes these questions seem utterly silly, but sometimes they kinda get stuck in your head and you want to know the answer. Or at least, I do. I've got the first one of these coming out on Sunday, but I'm already struggling to think of more questions. Are there any Philosoraptor questions that made you go hmm? How many questions should I answer - one a week (to make them last longer), three, five? Is this a stupid idea that I should stop doing?

    • Serious Questions
      Well, "serious". I've got a blog lined up for next week about why Green Arrow is better than Batman. I'm probably going to do one asking "Is (movie) Thor a god?" that'll probably also talk about the way gods are depicted in Marvel, DC, Stargate, Supernatural, and anywhere else I can think of. I'd prefer to avoid politics (because it's boring), but if there are any topics that seem like the kind of thing I'd waffle on about, please let me know.

    • Language Rants
      Yesterday I had a rant about the English language: specifically about words that should exist but don't, like gormful (the opposite of gormless) and whelmed (when you are neither underwhelmed nor overwhelmed). I looked at the origins of those words, and basically ranted about how they mostly make no sense. I will probably (at some point) do an American English vs .Proper English rant, talking about how what Americans call bacon isn't bacon (but it's damned tasty), chips/crisps/fries, biscuit/cookies, and that kind of thing. If you have any language peeves, I would be more than happy to rant about them on your behalf.

    What else could I blog about? How are my posts so far? Should I do more long/article style posts, or should I do short/blog style posts instead? Am I being too serious? Too sarcastic? Not sarcastic enough?

    I know you guys only have four posts to read so far, but I'd really appreciate some running commentary/criticism so I can make this not shit.

    Thanks guys!
    It's like that, and that's the way it is.


  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Where is your blog URL!?

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Are you going to do this on your tumblr? Sounds cool to me!

  4. #4 is the url for my blog.

    I've also rigged it up so that every time a new post gets published (at 1200 GMT every day) it will send out a tweet and a tumbl about it, for those of you who are following me.

  5. #5
    Zenas Codrey
    You seem the type to think deeply on works of fiction with a critical eye, both for things like quality of plot/characterization, as well as using your goddamn sense when considering cross-over material like Character X vs Character Y or What if X and Y teamed up. Stuff like that might be a fun way to work out your writing.

  6. #6
    I hadn't considered crossover team-ups or faceoffs. Hmm.

    Any suggestions? All I've got is "Black Widow vs. Black Canary", and my mind is now wandering to unproductive places.

  7. #7
    I've got maybe fifteen posts up on my blog now, and there's a few more scheduled to come out over the weekend. I'm kind of in the swing of this whole blog post a day deal, and I've had some comments for a few peeps... but I wanna make sure I'm directing the energy in the right direction.

    If you're reading my blog, are there any specific posts or types of post that you particularly like? Are there any that you don't like? Am I doing too much of one thing? Should I do more of something else? How is the length: are the shorter posts better, or should I keep trying to mix the short with the long? How is the style of the writing: too rambly, too much sarcasm, or passably okay? What about the frequency of the posts: is one a day too much, or is it good to be able to pick and choose so you can ignore stuff that doesn't interest you?

    If you're not reading my blog, is that just because you don't have the time or inclination to read it, or did something specific put you off?

    I'm thinking of swapping out my Sunday post for something called "Vanilla Sunday" - it would basically be a short podcast, but I would be playing vanilla Minecraft while I did it so there's some visual interest / occasional hijinks / etc.

    Is that something you guys might be interested in? Is that something you guys might want to participate in? How long is a good length for that sort of thing? What would be interesting talking topics?

  8. #8
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Gamertag: W4BSY Steam ID: ApexLupine
    I FINALLY got a chance to start in on your blog Loving it so far!!

  9. #9
    Me too. It's a bit of a read on some of the comic book stuff that I'm not knowledgeable about, but you do a lot of research which is cool


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