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Thread: Cowboys Obliterate the Redskins

  1. #1
    buff jedi 2

    Cowboys Obliterate the Redskins

    Although Troy Aikman obtained a deleterious injury .Although the Cowboy's season Has been less than stellar,A big win like this really gives us fans a boost.Ill not use any obloquy language to describe the Redskins ,but I really detest them,And find great joy in the fact that they lost.It really puts me in a kef kind of mood.


  2. #2

    As a proud Cowboy fan I can only say this;
    Any season that includes a season sweep of the deadskins is a good season!

  3. #3
    buff jedi 2

    I concur.The cowboys could go all season and lose every game but two.As long as those two are wins agianst the deadskins,its a great year.



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