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Thread: I shall be returning.....

  1. #1
    Darth Turbogeek

    I shall be returning.....

    To the battle once again. I had semi- retired and now I see the Sith have become eager, presuming superiority.

    Not so.

    The Jedi have been on the back foot for long enough. You have barely seen what I can do. foes worthy to cross blades with me have come and I shall not dissappoint.

    Jedi - The Sith challenged us first. They seek our blood. They named this war.

    Now, we will show them what the meaning of Defence is. The enemies have attacked, we are now free to act.

    Go Jedi. The Force is with us.

  2. #2

    *cough* loser *cough*

  3. #3
    Princess Ami


  4. #4

    *cough* you can speak Auriga *cough*

  5. #5
    Itala Marzullo

    Hmmm, what a fine point he makes....

  6. #6
    Grand Admiral Lyle

  7. #7
    Darth Lynch

    A master returns to the fold only to be crushed by the boot of the Sith.

    How appropriate.

  8. #8
    Guest have not seen the jedi in full action will be sorry

  9. #9
    Darth Turbogeek

    Leave them be Boricua. You know what well what is goinfg to happen next.

    :: DT snaps an arm out and grabs Auriga by the throat. With a jerk, the Sith's head is pulled downwards andd DT knees him in the face. DT then uses an open hand smash to the back of the head to knock Auriga to the floor and then to boots his face a few more times. DT leaps up and then lands hard on Auriga's back, making the Sith throw up in agony::

    You named this war.

  10. #10
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    yeah the imperials have been tlaked about like we are the younge ones or TSC,

    no one is even looking at the fact we have been here for a long ass time and have done a good number of things

    me and scorpion planed out the deathstar thread and hardly anyone showd up, we have a pretty good plot going but now it looks like we are just going to finish the deathstar and blow @#%$ up

    the sith empire have what 6 more member then the imperials so they can act like there the big @#%$ around here,

    the imperials were asked to help out the sith on the attack of the jedi council but hardly any sith helped after Mara's first post she never came back and the imperials were stuck to finish the battle

    stop ating like TSE is the only group around and the imperials are just a wanna be group

  11. #11
    Darth Turbogeek

    Considering the Jedi take the Imperials seriously as they were the ones that started the Jedi decline, they are worthy of respect...

  12. #12

    Thrawn your organization has the upmost respect from the jedi. Our problem here is with the @#%$y sith and the time has come for them to meet their destiny.


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