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Thread: Ogre -vs- Yoghurt - Tourney Round 2

  1. #21
    Master Yoghurt

    We have both used 8 moves in the fight.. 2 more to go.

  2. #22
    Darth Ogre

    :: Now holding two sabre’s, Ogre rushes the Jedi as he follows him into the oprea house, putting on his mask. Yog just barely mages to cross the two blades as they come straight for his chest. Ogre uses his strength to force Yog’s sabre back,pushing it closer to his body. Ogre sweeps the two sabres he is holding to the left and headbuts Yog, digging one of his tusks into the still open wound on Yog’s head, and breaking it off inside. Ogre whips his head back slams the butt of his sabre into the protruding tusk, then force pushes him into the wall just above where Ogre just came. Sending him back into the Opera house landing in a heap among the rubble ::

    Yes the end is near, Jedi :evil:

  3. #23
    Master Yoghurt

    Back in the Concert Hall again! Ok, lets have fun here..

    *Yog gathers concentration and energy.. the air vibrates, the floor shivers, the walls echoes with the humming sound of purified energy formed by the Light Side of the Force. Finally, a protective maelstrom appears, surrounding the little green Jedi. The protective whirlpool, extends in radius and drags Ogre into it, where Yog awaits with his tiny fist, using Ogre´s head as a punchin ball. "Bop-bop-bop", it says every time Yog hits. Then, Yog finishes pulling Ogre´s nose reeeallly long. Ogre has an eerie similarity to Pinochio now (but then again, Sith likes to lie). Then with the aid of the Force, Yog pulls up Ogre by the neck and slams him severall times into the floor, like a doll..*

  4. #24
    Master Yoghurt

    It is the finale moves now!

  5. #25
    Darth Ogre

    :: Grabs the Jedi's wrist and snaps it back, breaking it violently, and pulling the Jedi close. Ogre bites the Jedi's nose as he pounds on the tusk, still protruding from Yog's head. He then steps on Yog's injured leg, just below the knee, snaping the bone cleanly. ::

  6. #26
    Master Yoghurt

    *Yog concentrates to draw away the pain. Then in a blistering speed, Yog jumps at Darth Ogre, knocking him down in a combined flying ram and headbutt move, Ogre drops straight down at point blank range. Yog picks up a chair, and plunges the 4 chairlegs vertically down where the Sith lies. The legs ploughs deep into the floor, covering the face of the Sith with the seat of the chair, trapping him in a locked position. Yog decides to think about this fight, and sits down to ponder..*

    *Darth Ogre is an excellent opponent, Yog thinks to himself, as the building starts shaking. Seconds later, the entire opera house collapse! Left is a Sith and Jedi to exhausted to move, lying straight out in the pile of rubble...*

    I need a Bacta tank..

  7. #27
    Master Yoghurt

    ::Shakes hands with Ogre::

    Excellent fight! Unfortunately, I have to go offline now.

  8. #28

    Guyz I'm nominating this one for best battle both kick some major ass. It will be real hard to judge this one and I hope you have something extremely great for your final posts.

    May the Force be with you two.

  9. #29
    Darth Dyzm

    ::looks at the rubble of the Opera House::

    Hmmmm, what a mess, But it is COOL...
    All that destruction, all that violence!!!

  10. #30
    Darth Lynch

    One of the best fights?

    Well I didn't give it five stars just because they were green.

  11. #31
    The Unknown Gamer

    Most excellent fight my Master! Thr greatest I've ever seen!

    *Looks around the Opera house*

    You guys sure know how to have fun that's for sure! :

  12. #32

    I have my winner, but since it is such a close match I will wait for DT or any other judge to get online so we can talk it out.

  13. #33
    Darth Ogre

    :: slowly rises to his knees ::

    Indeed Yog, I thank you for an excellent fight. It appears we must still await the ruling.

  14. #34
    Master Yoghurt

    I will be offline for a few days, and back again thursday. That should hopefully in time for the next round of the tournament, if I qualify for the next round.

    I will be back thursday to read the decision of the jury.

  15. #35
    Darth Turbogeek

    This place is destroyed!!!!Yes, I have judged a winner....

  16. #36
    Darth Turbogeek

    Master Yogurt is declared the winner, and the damages bill is being sent to him

  17. #37
    Darth Dyzm

    :: Falls over laughing as he caculates how much it will cost to rebuild the sydney opera house::

    O thats mean,

  18. #38
    Darth Ogre

    :: still on his knees, Ogre opens his hand, and the two pieces of his axe come flying into it. As soon as he closes his fingers on the handle the two sections merge and suddenly burst into a huge green flame. Ogre falls forward, still clutching the axe. As he hits the ground, face first, the flames from the axe subside, revealing a single unharmed weapon, Ogre's fingers still tightly clenched around the handle, as he slips into uncounciousness, laying in the ruins of the Opera house ::

  19. #39
    Ayanami Rai

    ::walks in with Ami at her side and begins aiding Ogre, taking him bacto headquarters in the Pallas Athena::

  20. #40
    Princess Ami

    :s Aya:: Ogre's gonna be okay ::looks at Aya and winks:: lets go!

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