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Thread: *Enters The Jedi Recruitement Center*

  1. #1

    *Enters The Jedi Recruitement Center*

    *A shy young girl enters the Jedi Recruitement Center. She bows her head respectfully and begins to speak in a soft manner.*

    "I seek a Master to train me in the ways of the lightside of the force."

  2. #2
    Warren Azalin

    Re: *Enters The Jedi Recruitement Center*

    :: Walking into the Recruitment Center dressed in his usual attire the Jedi headed towards the newcomer. Removing his hood slightly as he walked he reached the newcomer and spoke to her in a soft tone ::

    "Welcome to the Greater Jedi Order, my name is Jedi Knight Warren Azalin. I am one of the Assistant Jedi Academy Coordinators here, now you wish to be a Jedi correct. Well if that is what you wish then I shall seek you out a Master, till then you may go to the Academy for a friendly spar with fellow Jedi or you may go to the Bar and Grill and meet new people."

  3. #3

    Re: *Enters The Jedi Recruitement Center*

    *Catana bows to the Jedi Knight*

    "If I may, I would much like to wait patiently here while you seek me a Master, if that is alright with you, that is?"

  4. #4

    Re: *Enters The Jedi Recruitement Center*

    **A young woman was passing through the recruitment center on her way back to her rooms. Glancing over, she noticed a young girl standing awkardly in the corner. She walked up to the girl, pulling her cloak's hood from her face. Extending a hand in greating, Beldarine smiled.

    "Hello, my name is Beldarine Del'Anar. I'm a Jedi Padawan around here, padawan to Sage Hazzard. It's nice to meet a new recruit.. what was your name again?"

  5. #5
    Jace Darklighter

    Re: *Enters The Jedi Recruitement Center*

    Another Jedi Knight makes his way to the Jedi Recruitment Center. Donned with a traditional Jedi cloak, Jace Darkligher removes his hood with a quick swipe of his hand. He extends a bow to the new arrival and slowly resumes a formal stance.

    "Welcome to the Greater Jedi Order, Catana. I hear you seek a master to train you in the ways of the Jedi. The path of a Jedi is difficult and strenuous, but with determination and a righteous mind, I'm sure you will become a great Jedi. If you have no objections, I would be honored to take you on as my Padawan Learner."

  6. #6

    Re: *Enters The Jedi Recruitement Center*

    *Catana nods in greeting Beldarine.*

    "It is nice to meet you, Ms. Del'Anar."

    *She smiles.*

    "My name is Catana, Catana Lourance."

    *Catana turns and nods to Jace Darklighter*

    "Thank You, I would be most honored to have you as my Master."

  7. #7

    Re: *Enters The Jedi Recruitement Center*

    **Her grinned widened at seeing Jace. Leaning forward she laughed,

    "Nice to meet you as well Catana. You're lucky, Jace is one of the best teachers here. Good luck with your training. And if you ever need anything, do not hesitate to call on me.. I'll be here."

    **Bowing towards Jace and Catana, Bel made her way out of the recruitment center.

  8. #8
    Jace Darklighter

    Re: *Enters The Jedi Recruitement Center*

    :: Jace exchanges nods with Catana. ::

    "We will begin your training right away then, Catana. Please meet me at the Jedi Academy when you are ready to begin."

    :: The Jedi Knight bows to both Beldarine and Catana as he departs. ::

  9. #9

    Re: *Enters The Jedi Recruitement Center*

    *Catana bows to those left in the room and then makes her way to the Jedi Academy.*


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