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Thread: We need to attack the Jedi

  1. #1
    Darth Roul

    We need to attack the Jedi

    not invade militarily, sorry Admrial, but a massive sith attack on the jedi just with sabers and stuff. Have we even done a fight like this since TSC? What do ya say?

  2. #2
    Gav Mortis

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi

    Awww, damn! Fine then! Just kick the Admiral to the road!

  3. #3
    Live Wire

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi

    I've been saying we need to do that...the problem was in the past that the jedi lemmings all followed DT who bitched unless there was some overly complex story line that fit into the grand scheme of things!

    *sighs* I hate the jedi they're boring and most of them suck!

    okay I know that sounds juvenial but Im really fed up with most of them.

  4. #4
    Darth Viscera

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi

    Me too. DT always wants me to delete any posts I make pertaining to jedi. DT should die. I hate DT.

  5. #5
    Live Wire

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi

    the problem is......DT doesnt want you screwing with the "main storyline of swfans" what the hell that is does anyone really know???

    But when you want to do something just for the fun of it that doesnt effect established history he goes no thats dumb I only want to do something with a great grand storyline!

    its like damn so what the hell do you do! Its a total catch 22! If the jedi stood up for themselves and stopped listening to Itala version 2.0 then we could actually have some fun around there!

  6. #6
    Darth Viscera

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi

    yeah. let's get to ban DT.

  7. #7
    Live Wire

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi

    lol that would be making swfans history! lol!!!!

    see its people like DT that are dangerous cause they are manipulative and controlling but they manage to keep people happy. Itala was just as manipulative and controling but he did it stupidly so people realized he was full of -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR- and left.

  8. #8
    Darth Viscera

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi

  9. #9
    Gav Mortis

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi

    I'm gonna try to arrange something.

  10. #10
    Xarkz Chaos

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi


  11. #11
    Lady Vader

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi

    DT thinks he's God's gift to the forums... oy! :

  12. #12
    Darth Viscera

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi

    I hate DT! Let's get him banned from

  13. #13
    Lord Psychic

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi

    Itala version 2.0... LOL (please excuse the profanity.. stupid ezboard filter)

    *Looks at calendar*

    25 more school days.. ahhh! I hope this attack can wait a little while.

    Come to think of it, it's been almost a year now since I've joined TSC.. hmm.

  14. #14
    Darth Viscera

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi

    *Can't wait to start his second year of college*

    oh wait, yeah i can. n/m

  15. #15
    Darth Roul

    Re: We need to attack the Jedi

    DT is gods gift to the boards, : : : : ahhhh, I love a good laugh


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