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Thread: Appearantly I'm supposed to apologize.

  1. #1
    Michael Cline

    Appearantly I'm supposed to apologize.

    Listen to anyone involved.

    I was not trying to get information from anyone.
    It was meant to be a joke. I saw Lounge Lizard change his name to Itala's and Vis change his to Lounge Lizard, so I changed mine to Vis's. I decided to play a joke on a few people since LW didn't realise it was actually me. I don't remember what was said in any of the convos and I certainly did not mean to cause any trouble. It was supposed to be a joke, and I'm sorry.

  2. #2
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Appearantly I'm supposed to apologize.

    Interesting. What posts are these?

  3. #3
    Michael Cline

    Re: Appearantly I'm supposed to apologize.

    wasn't a post or posts. It was on MSN.

  4. #4
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Appearantly I'm supposed to apologize.

    Oh, ok, well doesn't affect me then.

  5. #5
    Michael Cline

    Re: Appearantly I'm supposed to apologize.


  6. #6
    Dark Lord Malice

    Re: Appearantly I'm supposed to apologize.

    You gys did all that. Hmm i should get MSN then haha.

  7. #7
    Live Wire

    Re: Appearantly I'm supposed to apologize.

    it was cause they didnt use the sn's to try to get information! that was what the issue was over but appology accepted


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