Progga's Hut

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Progga's Hut, or to be more exact: Progga's Hut - Bar & Eatery, is an establishment in the Red sector of the city of Nar Shaddaa. It is a scarcely visited restaurant and bar, and has a number of rooms for lodging. It's proprietor is a Hutt called Progga Nokko Thesla, who likes to rule over the kitchen and is the chief reason for the restaurant's unpopularity.




It is located at the east side of Kanyten Plaza, an almost deserted older part of the sector. Its main entrance is facing the plaza, while a back entrance lies in the dead-end alleyway known as Spragg's End.


The interior of the bar - upon entering from the back - is a long and narrow corridor, with a number of more private alcoves at one side. Its walls are painted in an unappealing mix of brown, dark red and black. Towards the front, a circular domed space opens up, hosting a number of round tables. The counter runs along the entire length of the corridor, ending in a crescent-shaped, high-ceilinged room that is connected to the open circle via a number of arches.

Underneath the domed ceiling of the circular space, above the bar level, are several tiers of rooms, which the Hutt rents out to various customers - short- and long-term. Blue-tinted transparisteel screens run all around the way of each tier, making it impossible for the bar's customers to see who is staying upstairs.

The upper levels can be accessed via a turbolift at the back of the bar, and the guests have to walk down a similar corridor as on the bar level, to reach their rooms in the center structure.


The staff in the bar is made up entirely of blue-skinned Twi'leks, predominantly males behind the bar and females on the floor. A protocol droid serves as kitchen aide, and a Trandoshan does most of the cooking when Progga does not feel like doing the job himself (which, unfortunately, does not happen often).


Progga's Hut is secretly financed by an organisation named the MCSF - the Mando Clone Support Fund - and is one of a number of similar establishments on various planets in the galaxy. They are all named after the very first of these - Quibbu's Hut on Coruscant - and serve as temporary headquarters to any Mandalorian in need of board, food, or other support.

This, of course, is an unknown fact to anyone who does not know of the clone network.