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An accomplished warrior of the Syldar, Ediremos has studied all his life to develop his abilities to both serve and protect the kingdom of his people. Both a master combatant and scout, Ediremos gained the honor of being asked to serve as a vassal to the keepers, where his experiences and undertakings in the world of Midgard might better allow for history to be chronicled. Through his journeys beyond the city of Aureska, Ediremos gains both insight and appreciation for the many cultures and races beyond his own, and forges friendships that are told in legend...
[[Category:Empty Pages]]
| Title=Character Sheet
| Name=Ediremos Ilnoon Esatdoah
| Age=267
| Height=5'9"
| Weight=156 lbs
| Eye=Golden
| Hair=White
| Home=Aureska
| Race=Syldar
| Allegiance=Kingdom of Syldar
| Weapon=[[Qian]]
| Primary Magic=Air
| Secondary Magic=-
====Warrior Student====
Born to serve in the Warrior Caste, '''Ediremos Ilnoon Esatdoah''' was raised by his parents until the age of ten, where he then began his training as was the standard for all Syldar children. On that same birthday he was presented with his [[Qian]], which had been crafted following his birth; detailed on the golden hilt was an Eagle poised to strike in mid-flight, and served as a fitting representation of the young Syldar. Taken into the care of the warrior training temple, Ediremos was thrown into a hard, disciplined lifestyle far different to that of his youth; his was a daily training session, endlessly studying the art form of the Qian, while also learning near endless lessons in martial arts.
During his years with the warrior temple, Ediremos proved an able combatant, his experience growing through constant spars with fellow Syldar, and extreme mental and physical conditioning to reach his peak. Regular exercises took the youth into the forests surrounding Aureska, where survival and teachings melded into one, becoming a way of life for weeks on end. By the time the Syldar trainees returned, they would be exhausted, having fended for themselves in small groups until their instructors returned for them.
Yet, if one lesson was taught, it was that life waited for no being. And before the sun had dipped below the mountains of the Syldar canyon, Ediremos and his fellow learners were placed through more sparring exercises, further increasing their stamina and willpower.
However, fighting was not the sole lessons young Ediremos learnt. He was also given education, nothing near the levels of the Maga, but acceptable in terms of allowing the child's mind to develop along with his body. He also learnt the ways of Air magic, so he could use the mystical energy to better enhance his combat abilities. Syldar fighting tactics were also common; lessons on how to defeat certain foes, how to assault defended positions, how to outsmart overwhelming odds and how to use the environment to one's advantage - the Syldar's methodical training was thorough: Life became a blur of early mornings, sparring, education, conditioning and more sparring.
By the age of sixty-seven, Ediremos was deemed experienced to the point of being allowed to take part in Aureska patrols - he was three years advanced on his fellow students, and honor was bestowed on his family - with whom he visited often - name in light of his achievement...
====Eager Patrolman====
Assigned to a patrol group, composing of seven Syldar of varying experience and age, Ediremos fell into his new station as one of the kingdom guardians well. Often would the patrol venture into the forest, stalking and killing any barbarians who sought to gain a hold in the woodland around the Sylder home; his knowledge of both combat and nature increased in leaps and bounds, his experiences teaching valuable lessons. Ediremos soon displayed his strengths; he was agile, able to traverse the forest woods with accuracy and speed, while also precise, his aim with his Qian deadly and well-formed. However, Ediremos' downfall was also soon revealed, as he constantly stepped incorrectly, resulting in snapped twigs or rustled leaves...
On two separate occasions, he was responsible for giving his patrol's position away, resulting in the element of surprise being lost. In one of those incidents, Ediremos held himself personally responsible for the loss of one Syldar's life; and to this day, the warrior has never truly forgiven his error, for causing the mistake.
Following almost three decades of patrols, Ediremos dedicated himself to learning the way of moving silently across most forms of terrain. He began to judge his abilities by assessing the whole, calling a patrol a failure if he personally stumbled or made a mistake; in some ways this helped give the Syldar a deeper focus than most others, but also a harsh sense of personal criticism. Despite showing he was more than capable, Ediremos would always strive to be more, always seek to prove he could attain higher displays of prowess; but, unlike others who held similar beliefs, Ediremos never allowed his pride or ego to tarnish his goals.
On his one hundred and fifty-first birthday, Ediremos was given permission to join the advanced scouting parties...
====Silent Scout====
The task given to such scouting groups resulted in their being responsible for venturing beyond the Aureska forest, traveling into the Hadar Wastelands, where they would aim to keep the encroaching barbarians and wild men further from the forests surrounding the Syldar kingdom. In the last century, the barbarians had increasingly assaulted the secluded Syldar, in an attempt to gain a hold of the canyon where water and vegetation grew so near the desert. It was decided by the ruling family that Syldar would be forced to increase the border of their lands, in order to preserve the forest from the fires and logging of the barbarians to the east.
Ediremos enjoyed going beyond his home, and he relished in the personal challenge of adapting his abilities to a new environment - one where stealth and cunning where completely different to that of patrolling the forest. Instead of trees, hiding their presence with leaves and dark underbrush, the Syldar were required to bury themselves in the sand, to develop means of sneaking up on enemy camps in plain sight. It proved quite pleasing to the young Syldar, with Ediremos' taste for travel slowly being realized.
Following a long, drawn out struggle to keep the wild men of the east at bay, eventually the Syldar gained victory. Their enemies, who sought once to enter the forests of Aureska, slowly lessened their attempts, eventually shifting their focus away from the Syldar kingdom. The event was chronicled in the Library of the Keepers, and Ediremos was given the honor of his name being mentioned in the struggle. It was stated that his insight into adopting desert colored cloaks for concealment helped push the struggle forward to pleasing results for the Syldar; Ediremos, on the other hand, saw only simple logic in blending with his environment and merely pointed out the fact to his superior.
Regardless of actions taken, the Syldar were finally freed of the barbarians, and the kingdom experienced a moment of peace unlike any felt since 'The First' had set foot in Midgard. Returning from the '''Barbarian Incursion''', Ediremos was sent to serve in the warrior temple as a trainer in scouting tactics, where he would lead countless trainees through the discipline required to blend with one's environment in both the forests and wasteland...
====Deadly Wayfarer====
Following many years of instructing young warriors, Ediremos was called to the Library of the Keepers, where he was to meet with Keeper Ciannor. Upon entering the vast library, Ediremos was struck with the true importance of the keepers, and wholly understood that knowledge truly was power. None the less, he was on a task and was ushered to meet with the head of the library. After a meeting with Keeper Ciannor, Ediremos was charged with becoming a vassal, as through his efforts he had proven himself a worthy warrior capable of confronting most deadly situations in the land beyond Aureska.
Upon accepting the honor, and following a brief goodbye to his family, Ediremos was sent into the wastelands in search of knowledge to scry back to the keepers. After all, the aged historians had heard tales of a great evil that was crossing the land, and of the dead stirring once again, and they sought to keep detailed records of the event - as it was a dangerous magic, indeed, to cause the corpse to become undead.
With a new focus in mind, and over two centuries of combat and scouting experience to his name, Ediremos began his greatest journey: one that would lead him to the far reaches of Midgard, and beyond... 
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Latest revision as of 23:42, 3 March 2009