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== The Maga Caste ==
== The Maga Caste ==
== The Royal Caste ==
== The Societal Caste ==
== The Sovereigns Caste ==

Revision as of 08:25, 14 September 2008



As a people, the Syldar are mainly philosophers and historians. Many, who do not know of their ways, see them as creatures that are filled with bloodlust, a fear conceived from the Syldar's appearance as a whole. However, in truth, they are an honorable, proud race who simply protects their land from those who would attempt to claim it. As such, they have developed a very controlled, honor-bound community, where individuals are assessed at birth and placed into a specific social caste to better serve the Syldar as a whole.

There are five castes in the Syldar kingdom, with all holding specific, honorable social station: The Keepers, the Guardians, the Maga, the Societal, and the Sovereigns.

Aside from being of royal blood, the highest social standing one can attain is being a member of the Keepers, of whom the preservation of both the Syldar and Midgard histories remains paramount. As far as maintaining order and defining punishment, the Sovereign family are obeyed without question, and their decision is law, and even the honorable Keepers bow to their wishes.


  • Palace of Solace
  • Library of the Keepers
  • Altar of Truth

The Keepers Caste

The Keepers caste is dedicated to conserving and maintaining constant recordings of time, with every detail gained being written with ink on paperus. By discovering truth behind events, uncovering the past, glimpsing the future and cataloguing it in their ever expanding tome library, few other races have gathered and kept as complete a history of the land and its people as the Syldar; knowledge, as they say, is power.

Since 'The First', the Library of Keepers has remained carefully maintained, continually organized and every tome cared for. Following thousands of years of study, the Syldar have developed a highly effective means of preservation that involves coating their tomes in a conjured mixture of tree sap and wax, which leaves the paperus protected from the elements, before being placed into a perfectly fitted wooden sheath for easy handling and shelving.

Due to the intensive nature of their assigned station in Syldar society, very rarely do Keepers venture beyond the city of Aureska. Instead, they send out envoys who serve as information vassals, with whom the Keepers are able to magically scry and witness events through said vassal’s perceptions. It has become most common, with the current state of the land, that those of the Warrior caste are used as vassals, while the Maga remain largely within the kingdom to maintain protection of the city of Aureska from the ever increasing menace covering Midgard.

Those of the Keeper caste have also developed a magical gift to see into both the future with premonitions, and the past.

The Warriors Caste

The Maga Caste

The Societal Caste

The Sovereigns Caste

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