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Star Cruiser Horizon

600 meters
(25) Light Turbolaser Cannons
(20) Light Quad Turbolasers
(20) Light Ion Cannons
(10) Laser Cannons
(3) Tractor Beam Projectors
Class 2.0
(Backup) Class 8.0
Other Craft
(6) Assorted Shuttles

The Horizon is a Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser, operated by the Rebel Alliance. It was commanded by Line Captain Vansen Tyree for roughly a year, and served as the command ship during the Liberation of Bothawui. Tyree has since transferred his flag to the Challenger, leaving the Horizon as part of the defensive fleet at Bothawui.


Liberated by the Rebel Alliance from the navy of the Corporate Sector Authority, the Horizon had been modified and equipped to serve as an interdictor and patrol ship. One of the key advantages of the craft - and of the class as a whole - was the large fighter capacity and weapons loadout relative to its size. The Rebellion exploited that configuration, deploying the ship as part of an Interdictor Squadron to harass and disrupt Imperial supply lines, first along the Hydian Way, and later along the Perlemian Trade Route.

After being obtained by the Alliance, the ship was immediately placed under the command of Vansen Tyree, who had been conducting similar operations for years aboard the Valiant. His Interdictor Squadron met with considerable success, and Tyree's flair for small-fleet tactics saw him involved in the mission to liberate Bothawui from Imperial occupation.

Joined by additional support ships, the Horizon led a small force against the planet Bothawui itself, while the bulk of the Third Fleet engaged the Bothan Sector Fleet at Mandal. The ruse provoked the Imperials into leaving the Bothan homeworld woefully unprotected, allowing the Horizon - in concert with Bothan insurgents and SpecForce teams - to userp power from the local Moff, and drive the Empire into retreat.

Returning to interdictor operations, the Horizon played host to a pilot from Rogue Squadron who, at the request of Tyree - promoted to Commodore for his service at Bothawui - was to help convert one of the Horizon squadrons onto the new Mark 2 A-Wing.

Some months later, Commodore Tyree was reassigned to command the escort group defending The Wheel, transferring his flag to the Challenger in the process. Two of the three squadrons aboard the Horizon - Viper and Raptor - and one of the escorts from the Interdictor Squadron were reassigned with him; the remainder of the force was absorbed into the Fifth Fleet, stationed in defense of Bothawui.

Out of Character

The class of the Horizon has been altered several times. Originally, it was to be a Dauntless-class Heavy Cruiser, and then a Victory-class Star Destroyer, before eventually settling as a Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser in its current incarnation.