Cizerack Terms

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Planets, names, and words used in Cizerack roleplay



  • Aas'nomaan'issarra

Ritual cementing the Pride Mother's right to lead the Carshoulis Cluster

A planet on the fringe of the Carshoulis Cluster

  • Arr-ssorr



  • bayyossa tree

A temperate, deciduous species indigenous to Carshoulis Prime. Their curving branches are home to many small prey species and make excellent climbing for young cubs. Bayyossas are popular in landscaping and have been transplanted to most of the other worlds in the Cluster.


A peaceful world just beyond the borders of the Carshoulis Cluster, Calan is inhabited sparsely by humans, most of them belonging to the monastery of Calanic monks

  • clawhopper

A large (up to ten centimeters) locust-like insect that makes droning sounds at night. Found throughout the Cluster, they're also good eating.

  • Corr'rreesasso'rroussee'ssiborri'meerror'

The standard male servant's greeting for a female, untranslatable




  • Feessarro-class

Star Destroyer - The apex of military cooperation between the Imperial separatists of the new Confederacy and the Cizerack Pride, the Feessarro Star Destroyer features gravity well projection technology as well as Gorroka particle cannons. Only a handful are combat-ready, and these are assigned priority flotilla command duties.

Called the breadbasket of the Pride, Fey'dann is a planet deep inside the Cluster, covered with expansive plantations, small villages, and enormous grass plains

  • Forrda

Can mean any of the following: Prey, food, lower species; may include humans, depending on the speaker's relationship to said human(s)


  • gorroka particle cannon

A heavy isotope enriched cannon, similar to ion cannons but with a more aggressive energy structure. A gorroka will destroy shielding and electronics, but saturated energy against unshielded targets is dangerous to life forms because of lethal levels of radiation

  • grratta

chair, seat

  • grratta'Saanja

The Sun Throne of the Pride Mother



  • iiss'grratta'Saanja

The Throne Room, where the Sun Throne remains.


  • jirra

Under, underneath, below

  • jirra'rrou

The Underworld, lit. 'burning underneath'


The KAR is the Cizerack Secret Service, run with ruthless efficiency by Kajeela Tarruurri

  • Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea

The Cizerack title for the Pride Mother

  • Keerta-class

Assault Fighter - essentially a marriage of heavy fighter and assault ship roles. Designed for limited transport and scouting ability, but primarily for capital starship assaults. The traditional mainstay of the Cizerack fighter corps.

  • Korri-class

A class of Cizerack battlecruiser, equivalent in size and speed to the Victory class Star Destroyer, though somewhat less in firepower. The Pride Navy's ship of the line. Deep space survivable, long-ranged, hyperdrive-capable, and designed for extended duty outside of the Cluster. Primarily tasked with enforcing trade lane security on the Hydian Way and transporting important cargo, it is also a capable warship, able to engage enemies up to and including Star Destroyer class ships. Offensive firepower is poised around two gorroka particle cannons, two dozen turbolasers, as well as many tractor beam emitters, and an excellent shield generator. It also has the ability to dispatch up to a division of Hunter Forces shock troops via space combat or surface attack.

  • Korrtirr


  • kree-arr

The male version of kree-rrou

  • kree-rrou

"The Burning" - female puberty

  • Krreeso


  • Kreeto'kreessaarra'saanja

The capital city on Carshoulis Prime, home to the palace of the Pride Mother and the Royal Naval Academy of Carshoulis. Also known as "Kreeto" for short.


  • Lucrehulk-class

Lucrehulks are modular capital ships, popular among the Trade Federation and the first Confederacy of Independent Systems. From the Cizerack Pride's original participation in the Confederacy, Lucrehulks made up some portion of their naval force. Modified to suit the purposes of the Cizerack navy, these ships show their age, and are primarily assigned to support roles, although some still serve as rear-guard warships.



  • nala tree frog

A small, colorful frog endemic to the Cluster. Though poisonous in the wild, they have been selectively bred in captivity to remove the venom glands so they can serve as live, colorful snacks.

  • Neeraathi-class

Assault Shuttle - A dedicated assault shuttle generally deployed from galleons or other capital ships, explicitly for forcible boarding of enemy ships. Where the Keerta Assault Fighter is a flexible-purpose craft, the Neeraathi is designed specifically to insert Hunter Forces shock troopers.

  • nomaa

The moon

  • Nomaani

The manservant of Saanjarra, the Sun Goddess

  • nomaa'aasa'saanja

Servants of the Sun

  • nomaa'iirrssa

The Moon-Hallway, deliberately dimly lit to dazzle visitor's eyes upon entry to the throne room.


  • Oorru'Gurre'Gurre'

The flagship of the Cizerack Hunter Forces, commanded by Emissary Keerrourri Sarrtarroa


  • Pai Leeha

A vintage of Cizeri bloodwine, known for its subtle spices. It lends itself well to being iced down, unlike some bloodwines that clot when served cold.


  • rrou

Burn, fire

  • rrou-rrou

1) burning, 2) used as a swearword, as in "what a rrou-rrou shame!"

  • Rrou-ssee



  • saanja

The sun

  • Saanjarra

The Sun Goddess

  • Saanja-rrou

The monthly burning which the Sun Pristesses have to undergo

  • sajoi

A small mouse-like rodent bred for live food. They are served in bowls whose sides are too slippery to climb out of. Some diners enjoy dunking them in kree'ai sauce before eating.

  • Saussa'Ira'Ira'

A Korri class battlecruiser, commanded by Huntress Captain Saaleea Reiarru

  • Seeva-class

Interdictor - Light attack gunships without hyperdrive, crew complement of a dozen souls. Primarily used for intra-cluster defense, this light capital ship is equipped with a relatively fast sublight drive, good anti-starfighter weapons, and enough heavy weapons to effectively harass capital ships. Often used to attack in force, thus making them a flexible deterrent.

  • Seeva'fei (Seeva II) class

A variation on the original Seeva design that trades some sublight capability for a long range hyperdrive and deep space capability. Designed to picket Korri Galleons and other larger capital ships.

  • Sorraar

Standard Greeting, losely translatable into "Hello"

  • Sorraar'erro'rroussee'ssiborri

The standard female greeting phrase towards another female, untranslatable

  • Sorraar'gree'korrtirr'aasaar

The standard female greeting phrase towards her male servant(s), untranslatable

A planet just outside the Cluster - a Cizerack protectorate world inhabited by a mix of humans and Cizerack


  • Taithaa-class

Interceptor - a next-generation marriage of Cizeri and Imperial technologies, combining Imperial shock doctrine of fast, maneuverable, light fighters to the Cizerack penchant of robust shielding and survivable ships.

  • Taithaa'fei-class (Taithaa II, alternatively)

Interceptor - Variant on the Taithaa design, given better armament, better sensors, and a modular hyperdrive option

  • tataur'aasa'saanja

Priestesses of the Sun

  • tataur'aasa'jirra

devil worshippers; the worshippers of Traanjirra

  • Traanjirra

Goddess of the Underworld