California Mutant Registry

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California Mutant Registry




Registration Date

Last Known Location

Threat Level
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

California Mutant Registration Act

Genetic Diversity Protection Act

Voluntary Registration

1. While we're calling it the Mutant Registration Act for the sake of simplicity, in real life it would be called something like the Genetic Diversity Protection Act - something that makes it sound like a benefit to mutants and humans alike. It will certainly be marketed as something mutants should support: "Register and receive tax breaks for health care! Register and become eligible for genetic advantage scholarships! Register so we can better understand the mutant phenomenon and provide the programs and services our mutant population needs!"

2. There's a transition period where registration is encouraged but not mandated. However, registration is mandatory for all mutants who are arrested. Many hospitals already keep mutant gene sequences on file, and mutants who check in to any of these hospitals are all-but registered already. When the mandatory period kicks in, those profiles will be added to the central state database.

3. Registration requires a DNA sample - it's as simple as a cheek swab. Thanks to recent in-universe advances in genetic imaging, each mutants' X-gene sequence can be isolated and stored with their file in the database.

Mandatory Registration

After three months the transition period ends and registration becomes mandatory. All registered mutants must carry their MRA Cards on them at all times.

MRA Cards

Threat Ratings

Every mutant is assessed a baseline threat rating based on their powers alone. If they have a criminal record, their rating is raised by one. If they have a record of violent crime, the rating is raised by two.

Officially, no mutant can be rated higher than three on powers alone. However, individuals deemed to be unusually threatening may be rated higher. Note that five and six are not based merely on powers but on criminal behavior as well.

Mutant Threat Ratings

  • 1: Minimal. Mutation is not inherently dangerous. Mutation offers little physical advantage over individual humans. Effects are usually limited to the individual mutant. Examples: Aimee Connors (baseline), Ronnie Bluth, Taya Robbins, Riley Grace.
  • 2: Moderate. Mutation is potentially dangerous, or dangerous with limited effects. Mutation offers significant physical advantage over individual humans. Effects may extend beyond the individual mutant. Examples: Alex Kaine, Jamie Morrigan, Tess Abrahams, Jake Foley.
  • 3: Significant. Mutation is inherently dangerous. Mutation offers significant physical advantages over groups of humans. Effects may be environment-altering. Examples: Anna Fernandez, Jacinda Blake, Carlos Calaveras, Michael Stern.
  • 4: High. Mutation is inherently dangerous on a city-block scale. Significant trained manpower needed to overcome this individual. May threaten entire communities. Examples: Aidan Fox, Feral, John Rhee.
  • 5: Extreme. Individual shows a willingness to use mutation for violent crime. Only criminals can be given this rating. Examples: Geryon, Flux, Pedro Calaveras, Mute.
  • 6: Critical. Individual uses mutation to wage war against the American government and its people. Mutation is dangerous enough to warrant a rating of three or four. Generally reserved for the leadership of extremist groups like the Brotherhood. Examples: Saladin, Spectre, Jane, Neutron.

New Amendment

Mutants understandably are not happy that someone like Anna Fernandez can be assigned the same threat level (3) as someone with a "non-threatening mutation" who commits violent crime (1 + 2). While mutants are required to carry an ID card as proof of registration, mutants without a criminal record can ask to have their threat rating omitted from the card. Their rating will only appear in the official registry, where it will be visible only to law enforcement, hospitals, and government officials.

Oddly enough, among some elements of the mutant subculture, a higher threat level has become a badge of honor. Conversely, there is a popular assumption that mutants without a number on their card must have something to hide. After all, if you were only a 1, you'd want people to feel at ease around you, right?




Registered Mutants