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Captain Untouchable
2003; 2007
2nd October
Eye Color
Hair Color
Place of Birth
London, UK
Data Analyst
See below

Jace is a roleplayer from England. He first joined SW-Fans in 2003, though his main stint as a roleplayer began in 2007. Though he has tried to hang up his keyboard a number of times, he keeps getting lured back.

He is noted for having gazillions of characters, as you can see from the list provided below. He is addicted to planning and wikiing, which is why so many of those characters have extensive backstories and wiki pages.

He studied Quantum and Cosmological Physics for a few years, but stopped before finishing his degree. He had planned to invent a time machine, but after leaving a post-it note to his future self asking them to travel back in time and give him the blueprints, he has decided to kick back and relax while he waits for his Nobel Prize.

Jace is short for Jason; it contains the word "ace", because he's awesome.

Jace on SW-Fans

A forgetful bastard, Jace vaguely remembers the avatars he used back in 2003, but can't think of any of the account names. When he came back in 2007, he created three characters: the brothers Tristan and Aidan Tahmores, and Inyos Aamoran. These characters have changed somewhat since their original conception: Inyos Aamoran is a Jedi instead of an Imperial Officer; Tristan Tahmores is the younger sibling and a Rebel fighter pilot instead of a Corellian smuggler; and Aiden is now an Imperial Guard instead of Moff Tarkin's personal pilot.

Jace has a number of characters in moderately important roles within the Rebel Alliance: Commodore Vansen Tyree is the military commander of The Wheel; Major John Glayde is the leader of the Dorn Force team; Captain Jaden Luka is one of the senior pilots in Rogue Squadron; and Torrsk Oruo'rel is both the Bothan representative on the Alliance Council, and the leader of SpecForce. He also has a number of important Imperial characters: Amés Falcon Liszt is an important member of the Imperial gorvernment, while Ceto Rübezahl and Delgado Xaanan have both been important ambassadors and sector governors. In other factions, Varon Farani is an important Commodore in the Hapan Navy.

Though he has an extensive number of Star Wars characters, Jace is also involved in a number of other roleplay settings. His Mutants, Unite! characters are involved with X-Factor, Vanguard, and the Mutant Crimes Unit; and he has characters in the Myth, DC, and Fallout: New Vegas settings as well.

He has recently started the Mass Effect setting, in which he will play a "dungeonmaster" role.

List of Characters

Active characters are indicated in bold.

Star Wars

The Wheel

Rebel Alliance

Galactic Empire

Scum & Villainy

Other Faction / No Faction

Shadows of the Republic

The Old Republic

Mutants, Unite!


Los Angeles

New York


United Kingdom

Alternate Earth The Resistance


DC Universe

Fallout: New Vegas

Mass Effect