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Outer Rim
Carshoulis Cluster, Yendi (disputed)
Primary Terrain
Mountains, forests
Points of Interest
Monastery of Universal Balance
Native Species

"Inside the Monastery of Universal Balance, an old man sat in the lotus position, meditating deeply as several sticks of sweet-smelling incense burned around him. He began to pray for peace, but was concerned with recent events. No large space force had ever come to Calan since it was settled 500 years ago. They stayed out of everybody's way, and lived peaceful lives. However, it seemed that Calan had now attracted the attention of powerful people...and they were coming in their spaceships."
―Master Sho
Calan is a picturesque, temperate planet of small, forest-covered mountains. The forests are a mix of evergreen and beautiful perennial trees that drop their red and yellow leaves in the autumn. Only one settlement exists on the planet, adjacent to the Monastery of Universal Balance.
Calan's fauna are unaffected by the biosphere changes familiar to other colony worlds within the Carshoulis Cluster. Possibly as a result of the Cizerack Pride's stymied efforts to control the planet, Calan retains a biosphere that is unique. Among the most notable creatures are the Philosopher's Lemur and the Kajo, a mimick bird of extraordinarily beautiful plumage.
Calan is inhabited exclusively by a stock of near-humans known as Cala. The Cala are similar in most respects from baseline humans, but noticeably shorter and with skin tones nearly porcelain in appearance. Their facial features are soft, almost child-like in some ways.

Cala have lived on Calan for only 500 years, but there is evidence among their oral histories and corroborating archaological evidence to suggest the Cala have lived in hundreds of star systems throughout a history that spans easily 5,000 years. Oral histories indicate Dantooine, Naboo, and Alderaan among planets once settled by the Cala. Why they left is not known, but the Cala on Calan are not believed to be a colony of a larger populous. They are the entire population of the Cala people.

The Cala live in a peacful commune, sharing the efforts of all within their community. Farming, child-rearing, and all property ownership are shared evenly. The efforts of the Calanic community are overseen by the Calanic Monks, a group of spiritual guides rumored to have roots in ancient Jedi teachings. The Cala are pacifists, desiring neither to commit aggressive acts nor to resist in defense of themselves.

Calan's sole settlement, also called Calan, is governed by twelve Calanic Masters, monks of their order who have lived long and enlightened lives. Any decisions that cannot be resolved among individual Cala are brought to the Masters for their deep wisdom.
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Calan shows evidence of being an outpost in the Rakatan Infinite Empire, but the evidence of this being true is inconclusive. Smugglers often used the planet to hide from the Cizerack Pride, which may also contribute to the planet's contentious nature with the Pride. Whatever the case, until the Cala settled in 480 BBY, the planet that became known as Calan was effectively abandoned.

The settlement of the Cala on Calan coincided with a zenith period in Cizerack hegemony in the Raashaala sector. Having recovered fully from the effects of the Battle of Syragor, the Cizerack at last fully colonized the last of the colony worlds in the Cluster, and turned to Calan as it's next acquisition. Following the letter (but not the spirit) of the Treaty of Syragor, the Cizerack declared that Calan should be placed into their receivership, as the world lie within the boundaries of the Carshoulis Cluster. This interpretation has been contested, as the orbit of Calan effectively bisects the star map boundaries of the Carshoulis Cluster. Most legal experts place the status of Calan as being outside of the Carshoulis cluster, but enough ambiguity exists to grant limited legitimacy to the Cizerack claims. As the Cala began to colonize the planet, the Cizerack regularly blockaded it, each time being turned back, at first by the Republic, and later, the Empire. Unwilling to risk war over the planet, the Cizerack blockade the planet periodically as more of a symbolic protest than any overt action to conquer the planet.