Kavan Siron

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Born on Centares, Kavan had a rough childhood, tossed from orphanages to foster families. When he was eighteen he enlisted in the army. He made friends at the Academy and grew close with several of his platoon comrades Tonyh Vankar and Ranooki Stryder. He specialized in special ground units, and terrestrial vehicles.

In his late twenties, he could barely stand taking orders he found himself often questioning. When his friends also expressed interest in retiring, he followed them. The transition to civilian life wasn't necessarily easy for him, even though he became a smuggler, preferring to do his own thing, even when warned his choices were reckless.

He eventually crossed the wrong people, and an assassin was dispatched to take him down. The assassin took his whole crew down, but Kavan managed to survive and kill his aggressor; but he couldn't stop his ship from crashing on Dathomir.

He was soon captured by Sister Khthonia and brought to the Undead Fires Clan, where he was allowed to live as a slave. Not one to shy away from hardships, he vowed to prove himself and become a Brother, making the best of every given opportunity, such as sparring the Lead Hunter Cearia Tserta.

He eventually followed the Lead Hunter who had laid claim on his life by winning the spar, and joined the Clan of the Ember Claws as a Brother.

Timeline of Roleplays
Out of Character
Natacha is a Feminist Scholar, French, Cat Lady, Bookwyrm, Earl Grey and Dark Chocolate Addict.

She first joined SW-Fans in 2008, and permanently moved there in 2016.

SW: Alliance of Free Planets - Alice Di Scarra | Ashar Nerofi | Clea Modries | Heyrina Tankreyd | Lorna DeLaTour | Seraphine Tankreyd | Varyan Starfallen | Vic Starfallen

SW: Galactic Empire - Ankara Vydian | Baska Tankreyd | Elarys Amarank | Natalia Renkl | Sebarek Veros | Shana Ghemenaux | Syrenia Renkl | Tatiana Renkl | Tybalt Arcanos

SW: Ember Claws - Anjali Raskor | Kamurda | Kavan Siron | Nerolia Morningblood

SW: The Cizerack Pride - Sana Kiatarr

SW: Eleuthria - Lorenza Dalenak

SW: Independent - Alienor Tankreyd | Astera Frayus | Aurora Vallen | Haranea | Irina An'Telkis | Morgana DeLaTour | Nadgkema Siron | Nastasia Adrijana | Ranooki Stryder | Sinead DeBeynac | Tonyh Vankar

SW: Jedi Order - Brisha Syrehk | Lynmeira Verashy | Satkia Beltrak | Serah Kleor

World of Darkness - Adaira Svachenko | Anais Creagan | Arnaud Creagan | Gabrielle De Montespan | Roxane McDonnell | Vahika Wlady

Babylon 5 - Alice Desclun