Carrie Kelley

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As the daughter of an American escapologist and a Russian gymnast, it was inevitable that Carrie Kelley would have anything but a normal childhood. Carrie would stand on the side-lines of parents stage show, watching as her father performed death-defying escapes and her mother twisted and turned through the air, gracefully soaring between trapeze bars. At the age of 10 she overheard a conversation between her father and two men who were demanding money from the Kelley's, money they had used to establish their show when they had first come to Gotham. Though her father explained that he had paid back the loan three times over, the strangers wouldn't relent. A matter of weeks later, a seemingly chance error on the flying trapeze sent Kelley's wife tumbling to her death.

Carrie watched as her father spiralled into the dark depths of depression. Unable and unwilling to continue the stage show without his wife, Kelley spent his days staring listlessly into the TV screen, with a bottle of booze never far from his hand. After months of eating into what little savings they had – money that was supposed to put little Carrie through school – Kelley gave in and made a phone-call that would somehow change life for the worse. The men who had visited the Kelley's at their stage show were gangsters in the employ of notorious crime-boss Carmine Falcone. The mafia had plenty of use for a man who could pick locks the way Kelley could, though it wasn't long before a job gone wrong put an end to Carrie's father, finishing what had begun on the day when her mother had been murdered.

Furious at Falcone and at her father, the orphaned Carrie had lost all faith in the world. Yet, having inherited her fathers skill with a lock-pick and her mothers physical dexterity, it was not hard to get by in Gotham. Life on the streets of Gotham was hard, but with nothing to lose, Carrie felt no fear breaking into bars, warehouses and even peoples homes to get what she needed – at least, not until the night she tried her most ambitious break-in of all: Wayne Manor.

Out of Character

Jenny is currently an adminstrator at SW-Fans.Net. She originally arrived at SWFans in late 2000 under the name Vega Van-Derveld, having followed roleplayer Big Bad Naga from a Final Fantasy ezboard where they were both members. She was made a moderator of the gaming (and later roleplaying) forums, and subsequently promoted to administrator in July 2006.

Star Wars

Salem Ave : Tristan Alastor : Renart Al'Gray : Auberon A'Gray : Valois Al'Gray : Marine Lecavalier : Camile Saccard : Lamia Viljoen : Jarom Skelda
Vega Van-Derveld : Sherobah Angau : Jeng : Caelan Steorrbearn : Rede Steorrbearn : Sev'ilen'sabosen : Remy Lafleche
Bryna Belargic : Dasquian Belargic : Dashiel Starborn : Celeste Starborn : Jamo Jakatta : Aaron Belargic
Sanya Tagge : Gallus Tagge : Cad Bakvalen : Bryna Van-Derveld : Reinhart Thul
Barton Henning : Daria Nytherciria : Jarvi : Llamendo dal Iesin

World Of Darkness

Connor McBride : Crowley : Ewan Dunsirn : Dylan : Jude : Byron Legard
Gabriel Rodermark : Roland Salisbury : Sergei Vishnyakov
Kassandra : Penelope Lloyd-Fraser : Maggie Wren

Mutants, Unite (inactive)
Carlos Calaveras : Pedro Calaveras : Ramona Calaveras
Saul Nielsen : Ellis Jackson : Void : Francoise Dupont

Myth (inactive)
Cailean MacGabhann : Mishuran Lagare : Garren Goodfellow

[[Category:People of Gotham (by name)