Fete Weeks

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Fete Weeks or Festival Weeks on Coruscant came in three forms, a New Year Fete Week, a Festival of Life, and a Festival of Stars.

Fete Weeks

New Year Festival Week was the first five days of the new year as determined by the Galactic Standard Calendar, but before the first month.

During the rule of the Galactic Empire, it was opened with the famed Shaldania Parade and included a variety of festivities. Beginning in 11 BBY, the celebrations on Imperial Center included the public execution of convicted "Enemies of the Empire", but went private in 0 BBY.

The Festival of Life, which originated in the Core Worlds, consisted of five days between the sixth and seventh months. It was marked by parties, get-togethers, and gift-giving.

The Festival of Stars was another celebratory week between the ninth and tenth months of the year that celebrates interstellar space travel. Many beings took vacations to other planets to mark this occasion.

The festivities concluded with the Galactic Fair (Imperial Fair in the Empire). Information on the Remnant's celebration of these weeks or the holidays is yet to be determined.

Festival Days

There were also three Festival Days: Remembrance Day, New Order Day, and Labor Day.

In the Old Republic, the holidays were: Republic Day, Supreme Chancellor's Day, and Labor Day.